The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Oil
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 45:7
You love righteousness, and hate wickedness: therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Dying Lamps
... were set apart by unction with the holy oil; so Samuel ... the Messiah's lips the
declaration, 'The Spirit of the ... bear still more closely on the emblems of our text ...
/.../ of holy scripture b/dying lamps.htm

Symbolic Ornaments of the Church
... the Church, making it the "habitation of God through the Spirit," and giving ... Escallop
Shell, the badge of a pilgrim, are both emblems of Holy Baptism: the ...
/.../regester/the worship of the church/symbolic ornaments of the church.htm

Holy Song from Happy Saints
... But not only when the emblems are before us, but when you ... to gird up the loins; it
pours a holy anointing oil upon the head and upon the spirit; it gives ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 61 1915/holy song from happy saints.htm

The Believer not an Orphan. "I Will not Leave You Comfortless: I ...
... because I do remember many a happy time when the emblems of bread ... When with Him in
the Holy Mount ... love; O Lord, fill the cup for me; my thirsty spirit pants for ...
// he come/the believer not an orphan.htm

The Gospel of Luke
... any grit or unevenness; moreover, it was to be presented to the Lord accompanied
with "oil" and "frankincense," which were emblems of the Holy Spirit, and the ...
// four gospels/the gospel of luke.htm

On Daniel. Ii. The Interpretation by Hippolytus, (Bishop) of Rome ...
... the tabernacle, were constituted types and emblems of spiritual ... the Most Holy." And
the Most Holy is none ... manifested Himself, said to them, "The Spirit of the ...
/.../on daniel ii the interpretation.htm

The Second Series of Parables - the Two Parables of Him who is ...
... presented unseen heavenly realities under emblems which required to ... his travelling
provision wine and oil, made of ... heavenly Father give His Holy Spirit to them ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xv the second series.htm

A Caution to the Presumptuous
... the blood of Christ, in the holy emblems of bread ... find them searching the Scriptures
with holy curiosity. ... a fearful hazard, because God's Spirit always leaves ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 1 1855/a caution to the presumptuous.htm

A Description of Heart-Purity
... of God are first anointed with the oil of the ... and purifications were but types and
emblems representing Christ's ... He is called the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). ...
/.../16 a description of heart-purity.htm

The Axe at the Root --A Testimony against Puseyite Idolatry
... we could come before him with rivers of oil, or ten ... water, the bread, the wine, being
mere emblems, not to ... get the idea of this till the Holy Spirit gives it ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 12 1866/the axe at the roota.htm



Spirit Guides

Spirit of Divination

Spirit of the Lord

Spirit: Called "The Inner Man"

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: A Dove

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: A Dove: Gentle

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: A Seal

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: A Seal: Authenticating

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: A Seal: Securing

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: A Voice

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: A Voice: Guiding

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: A Voice: Speaking

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: A Voice: Warning

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Cloven Tongues

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Fire: Illuminating

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Fire: Purifying

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Fire: Searching

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Oil

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Oil: Comforting

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Oil: Consecrating

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Oil: Healing

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Oil: Illuminating

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Rain and Dew

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Rain and Dew: Abundant

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Rain and Dew: Fertilising

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Rain and Dew: Imperceptible

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Rain and Dew: Refreshing

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Water

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Water: Abundant

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Water: Cleansing

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Water: Fertilising

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Water: Freely Given

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Water: Refreshing

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Wind: Independent

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Wind: Powerful

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Wind: Reviving

The Emblems of the Holy Spirit: Wind: Sensible in Its Effects

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in his Church, As his Temple

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Saints, As his Temple

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is Abiding

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the Means of Fruit Bearing

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the Means of Guiding

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the Means of Quickening

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: A Proof of Adoption

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: A Proof of Being Christ's

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Opposed by the Carnal Nature

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Promised to Saints

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Saints Enjoy

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Saints Full of

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Those Who Have Not are Sensual

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Those Who Have Not are Without Christ


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