The Ear: Not to be Stopped at Cry of the Poor
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Proverbs 21:13
Whoever stops his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


"They have Corrupted Themselves; their Spot is not the Spot of his ...
... preaching thus, "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth ... his guiltiness, till his
mouth be stopped, and condemn ... I think likewise, that oppression is not the spot ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon iv they have corrupted.htm

The Blind Beggar
... Surely, if but one story told into the ear of the poor blind man could give him ... How
many times has Christ not only passed by, but stopped and knocked at ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/the blind beggar.htm

Spiritual Hunger Shall be Satisfied
... Though you have opened your mouth you have stopped your ear. The child that
will not hear his parent, is made to do penance by fasting. ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/14 spiritual hunger shall be.htm

Remembering How Far the Writer of Our Book Excels all who have ...
... No spirit feels waste, Not a muscle is stopped in its ... of rest"(consider it), a listening
ear, whilst the ... says that this good portion must not be regarded as ...
/.../jennings/old groans and new songs/chapter vi remembering how far.htm

A Chime of Gospel Bells.
... Scripture not only uses the ear, but the eye, in illustrating the way ... you were; and
if the sentinel at the gate stopped you because you did not wear a ...
// grace/chapter viii a chime of.htm

A Few Nights after This, Diamond Woke up Suddenly...
... another: all the words mixed up in his ear in a ... And as soon as he stopped singing,
the cabman began to ... his temper a little smoother, and his heart not quite so ...
/.../macdonald/at the back of the north wind/chapter 18 a few nights.htm

Heavenly Rest
... the wilderness of life, like a weary camel, which has only stopped on the ... there are
joys that the eye hath not seen, which the ear hath not heard, and ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 3 1857/heavenly rest.htm

Three Important Precepts
... devil, the priests, the sceptics, and the down-graders, have stopped their ears ... high
praise he sang many times in his friend's ear, but he could not get him ...
/.../spurgeon/sermons on proverbs/three important precepts.htm

The Reward of the Righteous
... As eye hath not seen, or ear heard, so neither ... doubtless to the surprise of many,)
"Weep not?" And did he surprise them still more, when he stopped her flowing ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 99 the reward of.htm

How Long?
... The people in the street smiled as we stopped our bandy ... "Will you go?" said the mother
very roughly in her ear. ... Hast Thou not said that whatsoe'er is done Unto ...
/.../wilson-carmichael/things as they are/chapter xxviii how long.htm



Ear in Cleansing Lepers

Ear Piercing

Ear: Anointed With Oil in Purifications

Ear: Anthropomorphic Uses of

Ear: Blood Put Upon, in Consecration of Priest

Ear: Bored As a Sign of Servitude

The Ear of Servants Who Refused to Leave Their Masters, Bored to The

The Ear of the Wicked: Itching

The Ear of the Wicked: Not Inclined to Hear God

The Ear of the Wicked: Stopped Against God's Word

The Ear of the Wicked: Turned Away from God's Law

The Ear of the Wicked: Uncircumcised

The Ear: Blood Put on the Right Ear of Priests at Consecration

The Ear: Blood Put on the Right Ear of The Healed Leper in Cleansing Him

The Ear: Capable of Trying and Distinguishing Words

The Ear: Christ Opens

The Ear: God: Judicially Closed

The Ear: God: Made

The Ear: God: Opens

The Ear: God: Planted

The Ear: Instruction Received Through

The Ear: Not Satisfied With Earthly Things

The Ear: Not to be Stopped at Cry of the Poor

The Ear: Often Adorned With Rings

The Ear: should be Bowed Down to Instructions

The Ear: should be Given to the Law of God

The Ear: should be Incline to Wisdom

The Ear: should Hear and Obey Reproof

The Ear: should Receive the Word of God

The Ear: should Seek Knowledge

The Ear: That Hears and Receives the Word of God, Blessed

The Ear: The Organ of Hearing

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