The Ear: God: Made
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Proverbs 20:12
The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD has made even both of them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


"Hear the Word of the Lord, Ye Rulers of Sodom, Give Ear unto the ...
... Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom, give ear unto the law ... of judgment,
but the people understood it according to God's meaning and made it a ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon viii hear the word.htm

On the Same Words, John i. "In the Beginning was the Word," Etc.
... same," that is the Word, "was in the beginning with God. ... were made by Him, and without
Him was nothing made.". ... What I shall be able to express, give ear to; on ...
/.../sermons on selected lessons of the new testament/sermon lxix on the same.htm

Regeneration the Work of God.
... and the seeing eye, the Lord hath even made both of ... the curse, ripe for the just
judgment of God, and still ... is the eye with its muscles, and the ear with its ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/xxi regeneration the work of.htm

"Seek First the Kingdom of God," &C.
... Paul writes, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard neither ... a vail and covering from the
eyes of God's awful justice ... him to grief, when his soul was made an offering ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xix seek first the.htm

The Twofold Wrestle --God's with Jacob and Jacob's with God
... All men are the servants of the servant and the friend of God. He who has the ear
of the emperor is master of many men ... We have in what God has made known of ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/the twofold wrestlegods with jacob.htm

God Hath Made Manifest
... the point of entering into a city (if God permit) of ... a theatre, when a great silence
hath been made, then the ... all be composed, and stand with soul and ear erect ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily i god hath made.htm

Proofs from the Plain Testimony of Moses, and of the Other ...
... 3809] And Esaias confesses that words were uttered by God, who made heaven and earth,
and governs them. He says: "Hear, O heavens; and give ear, O earth: for ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter ii proofs from the plain.htm

That the Example of Certain Saints who Seem to have Exercised ...
... [481] And indeed, when those great servants of God made use of ... murmurings against
the prelates of the Church and temporal princes, if you will give ear to that ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter xvi that the example.htm

"God Willeth to be Seen and to be Sought: to be Abided and to be ...
... I saw half the face, beginning at the ear, over-gone ... like as I have understood by
the grace of God:". ... of Holy Church, that the blessed Trinity made Mankind [49 ...
/.../julian/revelations of divine love/chapter x god willeth to.htm

God's Family.
... which we are furnished with an inner eye, an eternal ear. ... other words, not seeing
what in the form made it a ... not be seeing a presence which could only be God. ...
// of the gospel/gods family.htm



Ear in Cleansing Lepers

Ear Piercing

Ear: Anointed With Oil in Purifications

Ear: Anthropomorphic Uses of

Ear: Blood Put Upon, in Consecration of Priest

Ear: Bored As a Sign of Servitude

The Ear of Servants Who Refused to Leave Their Masters, Bored to The

The Ear of the Wicked: Itching

The Ear of the Wicked: Not Inclined to Hear God

The Ear of the Wicked: Stopped Against God's Word

The Ear of the Wicked: Turned Away from God's Law

The Ear of the Wicked: Uncircumcised

The Ear: Blood Put on the Right Ear of Priests at Consecration

The Ear: Blood Put on the Right Ear of The Healed Leper in Cleansing Him

The Ear: Capable of Trying and Distinguishing Words

The Ear: Christ Opens

The Ear: God: Judicially Closed

The Ear: God: Made

The Ear: God: Opens

The Ear: God: Planted

The Ear: Instruction Received Through

The Ear: Not Satisfied With Earthly Things

The Ear: Not to be Stopped at Cry of the Poor

The Ear: Often Adorned With Rings

The Ear: should be Bowed Down to Instructions

The Ear: should be Given to the Law of God

The Ear: should be Incline to Wisdom

The Ear: should Hear and Obey Reproof

The Ear: should Receive the Word of God

The Ear: should Seek Knowledge

The Ear: That Hears and Receives the Word of God, Blessed

The Ear: The Organ of Hearing

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