The Dog of Fools
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Proverbs 26:11
As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


... of our days, in turning to a healthful intellect which "answers fools according
to ... and, in the passage referred to, it is asked, whether the dog of Ulysses ...
/...// stromata or miscellanies/elucidations 5.htm

Sin the Mocker
... no act but has its appropriate consequences, and in which it is only fools who say
to ... to mend oneself, and often the wreck of outward life which dog our sins ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/sin the mocker.htm

How to Keep Out of Trouble
... be meddling," and it is so hard for some folks not to act like fools, anyway in ... If
there is a dog-fight going on, all the dogs in the community seem to want to ...
// talks/talk sixteen how to keep.htm

Second Sunday Before Lent
... The saying is, "Two fools in one house will not do." Reason and wisdom are required ...
like that in the German proverb, "The clog is bound to the dog's neck." We ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol ii/second sunday before lent.htm

Satan's Banquet
... Ephraim, and bind the crown of pride about your head, and call us fools because
we ... The man has had enough of pleasure, and like a dog he vomits, though like a ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/satans banquet.htm

A Blast of the Trumpet against False Peace
... There are two sorts of infidels, one sort are such fools that they know they never ...
There is a dog down below chained in the yard, it barks and barks, and howls ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 6 1860/a blast of the trumpet.htm

Two Essential Things
... works in a soul; it is only such a repentance as a dog may have ... keep to Scripture
lines, and speak the dread truth therein revealed, are barbarians or fools. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 35 1889/two essential things.htm

Now I Thought at that Time that all Men were Judged Worthy of the ...
... But now I know that these are the reflections of fools, and errors and deceits. ... lie
in darkness, and pass his life-journey after the fashion of a dog, which is ...
/.../a metaphrase of the book of ecclesiastes/chapter ix now i thought.htm

God Justified, Though Man Believes Not
... are so wise will not have Christ, there are plenty, whom you reckon to be fools,
who will ... He said, "There was a dog on the hearthrug, and there was a kettle of ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 38 1892/god justified though man believes.htm

Letter xix. --(For 347. ) Coss. Rufinus, Eusebius; Præf. The Same ...
... a man, and he who sacrificeth a lamb is as he who killeth a dog, he that ... corrupt,
and become abominable in their doings [4474] .' Of such as are fools in their ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/letter xix for 347 coss rufinus.htm



Dog (Sodomite?): Dumb and Sleeping

Dog (Sodomite?): Epithet of Contempt

Dog (Sodomite?): Figurative

Dog (Sodomite?): Greyhound

Dog (Sodomite?): Habits of Lapping of

Dog (Sodomite?): Habits of Licking Blood

Dog (Sodomite?): Habits of Licking Sores

Dog (Sodomite?): Habits of Returns to Eat his own Vomit

Dog (Sodomite?): Price of, not to be Brought Into the Sanctuary

Dog (Sodomite?): Shepherd Dogs

The Dog of Apostates

The Dog of Covetous Ministers

The Dog of False Teachers

The Dog of Fools

The Dog of Gentiles

The Dog of Obstinate Sinners

The Dog of Persecutors

The Dog: (Dead) of the Mean

The Dog: (Dumb) of Unfaithful Ministers

The Dog: Carnivorous

The Dog: Dangerous and Destructive

The Dog: Despised by the Jews

The Dog: Fond of Blood

The Dog: Impatient of Injury

The Dog: Infested Cities by Night

The Dog: Manner of, in Drinking Alluded To

The Dog: Nothing Holy to be Given To

The Dog: Price of, not to be Consecrated

The Dog: Sacrificing of, an Abomination

The Dog: Things Torn by Beasts Given To

The Dog: Unclean

The Dog: when Domesticated: Employed in Watching Flocks

The Dog: when Domesticated: Fed With the Crumbs


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