The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Resisting his Temptations
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 4:11
Then the devil leaves him, and, behold, angels came and ministered to him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


"And Watch unto Prayer. "
... there may be a perpetual song of triumph and victory ... v.8) be vigilant, lest the devil
attack him ... he troubles himself with nothing, but dreams over his days, but ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xxi and watch unto.htm

"The Time of Trouble. "
... for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath ... The shout of triumph rings
out upon the air, "Christ has ... and as the street, to them that went over."(1087 ...
/.../the great controversy between christ and satan /39 the time of trouble.htm

The Time of Trouble
... for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath ... The shout of triumph rings
out upon the air: "Christ ... as the street, to them that went over." Verses 21-23 ...
// great controversy/chapter 39 the time of.htm

The Life of Cassian.
... a visitor from Egypt and brought back in triumph to his ... of rest, feeling as if his
life's work was nearly over. ... of his foe, might not the Devil have repeated ...
/.../cassian/the works of john cassian /chapter i the life of.htm

Epistle Lxiii. Limenius, Bishop of Vercellæ, Having Died, the See ...
... or be superclothed with the garments of the devil? ... banquet of Holophernes, carried
off the triumph of which ... is triumphed over, the other rejoices over it; to ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/epistle lxiii limenius bishop of.htm

The Lord's Prayer
... that the devil may have no dominion over them ... overcome all her enemies everywhere,
and the true religion triumph. ... by some person or thing"the devil, the world ...
// catechism no 4/the lords prayer.htm

Of the Incapacity of an Unregenerate Person for Relishing the ...
... conduct them to it, in perfect safety and everlasting triumph. ... For this does he watch
over the soul with the ... You know the devil is always represented as the ...
/.../practical discourses on regeneration/discourse v of the incapacity.htm

On the Glory of Martyrdom.
... crown of conquest hanging in doubt over the head ... victory, invaluable its title, immense
its triumph; because he ... the world, the flesh, and the devil;" and we ...
/.../on the glory of martyrdom.htm

Hail, Jesus;
... to my superiors and all powers over me ordained ... hast vanquished the power of the
devil, and, powerfully ... who like a conqueror with glorious triumph didst arise ...
/.../baker/holy wisdom or directions for the prayer of contemplation/hail jesus.htm

Caesar Fell Down.
... assert, offers a bold resistance to the devil, the disturber ... and by their presence
and worshipful triumph set it ... him as "pre-eminent in dignity over the human ...
/.../allies/the formation of christendom volume vi/chapter ii caesar fell down.htm



The Devil: Assumes the Form of an Angel of Light

The Devil: Cast Down to Hell

The Devil: Cast out of Heaven

The Devil: Character of Cowardly

The Devil: Character of Deceitful

The Devil: Character of Fierce and Cruel

The Devil: Character of Malignant

The Devil: Character of Powerful

The Devil: Character of Presumptuous

The Devil: Character of Proud

The Devil: Character of Subtle

The Devil: Character of Wicked

The Devil: Compared to a Fowler

The Devil: Compared to a Roaring Lion

The Devil: Compared to a Serpent

The Devil: Compared to a Sower of Tares

The Devil: Compared to a Wolf

The Devil: Compared to Fowls

The Devil: Everlasting Fire is Prepared For

The Devil: Hinders the Gospel

The Devil: Opposes God's Work

The Devil: Perverts the Scripture

The Devil: Saints: Afflicted By, Only As God Permits

The Devil: Saints: Overcome

The Devil: Saints: Shall Finally Triumph Over

The Devil: Saints: should be Armed Against

The Devil: Saints: should be Watchful Against

The Devil: Saints: should Resist

The Devil: Saints: Sifted By

The Devil: Saints: Tempted By

The Devil: Shall be Condemned at the Judgment

The Devil: Sinned Against God

The Devil: Tempted Christ

The Devil: The Apostasy is of

The Devil: The Author of the Fall

The Devil: The Wicked are the Children of

The Devil: The Wicked: Blinded By

The Devil: The Wicked: Deceived By

The Devil: The Wicked: do the Lusts of

The Devil: The Wicked: Ensnared By

The Devil: The Wicked: Possessed By

The Devil: The Wicked: Punished, Together With

The Devil: The Wicked: Troubled By

The Devil: The Wicked: Turn Aside After

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Casting out the Spirits of

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Destroying the Works of

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Empowering his Disciples to Cast Out

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Resisting his Temptations

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ: Completed by his Death

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ: Illustrated

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ: Predicted

The Devil: Works Lying Wonders

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