The Devil: Saints: should Resist
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Peter 5:9
Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brothers that are in the world.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Necessity of Diligently Seeking the Saints' Rest.
... and who should fix the terms of salvation, but he ... let the world, the flesh, or the
devil speak against a ... and will one day justify the diligence of the saints. ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter vii the necessity of.htm

All Saints' Day, or St Ursula's Day
... THE INNER WAY SERMON XXVII All Saints' Day, or St ... much inclined, that it is most
needful he should exercise himself ... so that he may not give place to the Devil. ...
// inner way/sermon xxvii all saints day.htm

An Exhortation to the People Respecting Fortitude and Patience...
... not even any relics of these saints should remain, their ... For it was for them the
devil had prepared ... exceedingly confident that no one would resist the royal ...
/.../chrysostom/on the priesthood/homily iv an exhortation to.htm

Pride and Humility
All Saints' Day and Other Sermons. ... right, found himself, to his surprise and
disappointment, only a devil. ... excuses and plain reasons, why they should not take ...
/.../kingsley/all saints day and other sermons/sermon xxiii pride and humility.htm

The Pilgrim's Longings
... be diligent in secret prayer, and, perhaps, the devil may have ... he gives should have
its test, should glorify his ... in the world for sinners, but not for saints. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 18 1872/the pilgrims longings.htm

The Kingly Priesthood of the Saints
... mighty angel shall stand and guard my dust, and contend for its possession with
the devil. Why should I fear ... Now, notice the insignia and regalia of the saints. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 1 1855/the kingly priesthood of the.htm

The Great Misery of those who Lose the Saints' Rest.
... the Lord, I had now been blessed among the saints.". ... or to suffer death a hundred
times over: should I not ... and were mere volunteers in the service of the devil. ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter v the great misery.htm

Of Holy Prayer
... both good men in this world and the saints in heaven to ... to wit, by divers temptations,
which the devil putteth in ... But if he should leave the battle for fear of ...
/.../the little flowers of st francis of assisi/chapter xi of holy prayer.htm

"Thou Shalt Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother. "
... God has commanded it; the devil, flesh and ... invent more pilgrimages, elevations of
saints, indulgence-fairs ... right or wrong, we should resist, become disobedient ...
/.../luther/a treatise on good works/thou shalt honor thy father.htm

On Books
... How it should make us reverence the Bible, the ... Why is it that neither angels, nor
saints, nor evil ... by which Christ's messengers, and the devil's messengers too ...
/.../kingsley/twenty-five village sermons/sermon xxiv on books.htm



The Devil: Assumes the Form of an Angel of Light

The Devil: Cast Down to Hell

The Devil: Cast out of Heaven

The Devil: Character of Cowardly

The Devil: Character of Deceitful

The Devil: Character of Fierce and Cruel

The Devil: Character of Malignant

The Devil: Character of Powerful

The Devil: Character of Presumptuous

The Devil: Character of Proud

The Devil: Character of Subtle

The Devil: Character of Wicked

The Devil: Compared to a Fowler

The Devil: Compared to a Roaring Lion

The Devil: Compared to a Serpent

The Devil: Compared to a Sower of Tares

The Devil: Compared to a Wolf

The Devil: Compared to Fowls

The Devil: Everlasting Fire is Prepared For

The Devil: Hinders the Gospel

The Devil: Opposes God's Work

The Devil: Perverts the Scripture

The Devil: Saints: Afflicted By, Only As God Permits

The Devil: Saints: Overcome

The Devil: Saints: Shall Finally Triumph Over

The Devil: Saints: should be Armed Against

The Devil: Saints: should be Watchful Against

The Devil: Saints: should Resist

The Devil: Saints: Sifted By

The Devil: Saints: Tempted By

The Devil: Shall be Condemned at the Judgment

The Devil: Sinned Against God

The Devil: Tempted Christ

The Devil: The Apostasy is of

The Devil: The Author of the Fall

The Devil: The Wicked are the Children of

The Devil: The Wicked: Blinded By

The Devil: The Wicked: Deceived By

The Devil: The Wicked: do the Lusts of

The Devil: The Wicked: Ensnared By

The Devil: The Wicked: Possessed By

The Devil: The Wicked: Punished, Together With

The Devil: The Wicked: Troubled By

The Devil: The Wicked: Turn Aside After

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Casting out the Spirits of

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Destroying the Works of

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Empowering his Disciples to Cast Out

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Resisting his Temptations

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ: Completed by his Death

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ: Illustrated

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ: Predicted

The Devil: Works Lying Wonders

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