The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Corpses
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Kings 19:35
And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the LORD went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Nahum 3:3
The horseman lifts up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcasses; and there is none end of their corpses; they stumble on their corpses:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Abraham, his Trial in Egypt; his Humility
... empty pomp at, [656]388; the acclamations of mock the dead, [657]ib. ... God, used in
a lower sense, [772]318 ... I think I have the spirit of God," an express claim to ...
/.../abraham his trial in egypt.htm

... is called first begotten of the dead because of His being the cause of the resurrection
from the dead, He is ... These terms are thus used without distinction ...
// letters and select works/i dogmatic.htm

Answer to Eunomius' Second Book .
... For when he tells us that the dead were raised, that ... to be, and to be called, are
not convertible terms. ... For, saith he, of words used to express a conception ...
/.../gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/answer to eunomius second book.htm

The Eighteenth Theban Dynasty --(Continued)
... reverses, and they treated with the conqueror on equal terms.*. ... eg the quiver, the
sword and javelins used by the ... in the native country of the dead man, who ...
/.../chapter ithe eighteenth theban dynastycontinued.htm

Rom. Iv. 1, 2
... we associate with each other on such terms, we shall ... For this reason, now he is dead,
he hath become ... [1297] philosophou gnomes, the word is used (as frequently ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily viii rom iv 1.htm

On the Soul and the Resurrection.
... if you bury it beneath a mound, that dead man is ... good" and "evil" are equivocal;
they are used in two ... bosom," so does Scripture seem to me to express the idea ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/on the soul and the 2.htm

A Plea Regarding Christians by Athenagoras, the Athenian
... multiply names for the divine by the terms they use ... strike their breasts as if lamenting
the dead and then ... no other way of addressing him, he used the popular ...
/.../richardson/early christian fathers/a plea regarding christians by.htm

Introductory Notice Respecting Tauler's Life and Times
... distinguished persons, would seem to have been used among themselves ... latter days
to rise again from the dead, to render ... But the terms of the Bull to this effect ...
/.../introductory notice respecting taulers life.htm

Dialogue iii. --The Impassible.
... of the body, but as far as the words used go, signifies ... he asked him whether He had
been any while dead. ... Observe with admiration, the harmony of terms, and how ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of theodoret/dialogue iii the impassible.htm

Funeral Oration on the Great S. Basil, Bishop of Cæsarea in ...
... been ordained that the great Basil, who used so constantly ... are also ours, for though
their terms are different ... health, zealous purpose raises the dead, and old ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/oration xliii funeral oration on.htm



Dead (People): Anointing

Dead (People): Burnings of Incense Made For

Dead (People): Dorcas

Dead (People): Eutychus

Dead (People): Jairus' Daughter

Dead (People): Lazarus

Dead (People): Prepared for Burial by Washing

Dead (People): Raised to Life, (See

Dead (People): The Shunammite Woman's Son

Dead (People): The Son of the Widow of Zarephath

Dead (People): The Widow's Son

Dead (People): The Young Man Laid in Elisha's Grave

Dead (People): Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

Dead (People): Wrapping in Linen

Dead Beat Dads

Dead Body

Dead Sea

Dead Sea: Called Salt Sea

Dead Sea: East Sea

Dead Sea: Former Sea

Dead Sea: Prophecy Concerning

Dead Sea: Sea of the Plain

The Dead in a House Rendered It Unclean

The Dead were Washed and Laid Out

The Dead were Wrapped in Lined With Spices

The Dead: A Priest not to Mourn For, Except when Near of Kin

The Dead: A State of Deep Affliction

The Dead: All offerings To, Forbidden

The Dead: Characterised by Absence of all Human Passions

The Dead: Characterised by Being Incapable of Motion

The Dead: Characterised by Being Without the Spirit

The Dead: Characterised by Ignorance of all Human Affairs

The Dead: Characterised by Inability to Glorify God

The Dead: Diviners

The Dead: Even Bones of, Caused Uncleanness

The Dead: Eyes of, Closed by Nearest of Kin

The Dead: Faith Without Works

The Dead: Freedom from the Law

The Dead: Freedom from the Power of Sin

The Dead: Heathenish Expressions of Grief For, Forbidden

The Dead: High Priest in No Case to Mourn For

The Dead: Idolaters: Consecrated Part of Their Crops To

The Dead: Idolaters: Invoked and Consulted

The Dead: Idolaters: Offered Sacrifices For

The Dead: Idolaters: Tore Themselves For

The Dead: Impotence

The Dead: Instances of, Restored by Christ

The Dead: Instances of, Restored to Life Before Christ

The Dead: Man's State by Nature

The Dead: Mourning For, often by Hired Mourners

The Dead: Mourning For, often with Plaintive Music

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Lasted Many Days

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Loud and Clamorous

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Change of Apparel

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Covering the Head

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Taring the Hair

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Tearing the Garments

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Very Great

The Dead: Nazarites not to Touch or Mourn For

The Dead: Regard often Shown to the Memory of

The Dead: Return not to This Life

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Carcases

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Corpses

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Deceased

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Those Who are Not

The Dead: The Jews Looked for a Resurrection From

The Dead: They Who Have Departed This Life

The Dead: Those Defiled By, Removed from the Camp

The Dead: Too Soon Forgotten

The Dead: Touching of, Caused Uncleanness

The Dead: Uncleanness Contracted From, Removed by the Water Separation

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