The Dead: Instances of, Restored to Life Before Christ
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Kings 17:22
And the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Kings 4:34-36
And he went up, and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, and his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands: and stretched himself on the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Kings 13:21
And it came to pass, as they were burying a man, that, behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man into the sepulcher of Elisha: and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Was Christ's a Real Death?
... as he must have done had he been restored by natural ... either to assure themselves
that he was dead, or to ... And there are other instances in which we read of the ...
/.../section 297 was christs a.htm

Thoughts Upon the Appearance of Christ the Sun of Righteousness ...
... course, as might be shewn by many Instances; but one ... believeth in him, though he
were dead, yet shall ... they are healed of their Infirmities, and restored to a ...
/.../private thoughts upon a christian life/thoughts upon the appearance of.htm

The Acts of the Apostles
... at Philippi shaken, 16: 25, 26; Eutychus restored to life ... We find instances of this
medical language in achlus13 ... by the resurrection from the dead was powerfully ...
/.../drummond/introduction to the new testament/the acts of the apostles.htm

The Reward of the Righteous
... and eighty-four persons, who were dead, to all ... an hundred and fifty-seven have been
restored to life. ... and all spiritual benefits; all the instances of kindness ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 99 the reward of.htm

Saurin -- Paul Before Felix and Drusilla
... He restored health to the sick, and life to the dead. ... Behold the portrait of believers!
"They are dead. ... We might illustrate this truth by numerous instances. ...
/.../kleiser/the worlds great sermons volume 3/saurin paul before felix.htm

That the Christian Miracles are not Recited, or Appealed To, by ...
... xv.12), at Ephesus (xix.11, 12); secondly, in specific instances, as the ... those that
had the palsy, and lastly, with one command, restored the dead to life ...
/.../paley/evidences of christianity/chapter v that the christian.htm

Translators' Preface.
... physician, with skill and success; when he "raised the dead," he only restored men
from a ... with Strauss: he himself points out a number of instances in which ...
/.../the life of jesus christ in its historical connexion/translators preface.htm

Tillotson -- the Reasonableness of a Resurrection
... that a body perfectly dead should be restored to life ... can easily restore that which
is dead to life ... a resurrection in some particular instances, and pretends ...
/.../various/the worlds great sermons vol 2/tillotson the reasonableness of.htm

Answer to Mr. W's Third Objection.
... Soon after he says, p.25: Such instances of his ... if the persons raised from the dead
were selected ... or worthy citizen, whom they wished to have restored again to ...
/.../section iii answer to mr.htm

The Life of Mr. Thomas Hog.
... the same; and immediately the woman was restored both in ... Of which we have several
instances, but none more particular ... in the parish, who had one dead in his ...
/.../howie/biographia scoticana scots worthies/the life of mr thomas.htm



Dead (People): Anointing

Dead (People): Burnings of Incense Made For

Dead (People): Dorcas

Dead (People): Eutychus

Dead (People): Jairus' Daughter

Dead (People): Lazarus

Dead (People): Prepared for Burial by Washing

Dead (People): Raised to Life, (See

Dead (People): The Shunammite Woman's Son

Dead (People): The Son of the Widow of Zarephath

Dead (People): The Widow's Son

Dead (People): The Young Man Laid in Elisha's Grave

Dead (People): Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

Dead (People): Wrapping in Linen

Dead Beat Dads

Dead Body

Dead Sea

Dead Sea: Called Salt Sea

Dead Sea: East Sea

Dead Sea: Former Sea

Dead Sea: Prophecy Concerning

Dead Sea: Sea of the Plain

The Dead in a House Rendered It Unclean

The Dead were Washed and Laid Out

The Dead were Wrapped in Lined With Spices

The Dead: A Priest not to Mourn For, Except when Near of Kin

The Dead: A State of Deep Affliction

The Dead: All offerings To, Forbidden

The Dead: Characterised by Absence of all Human Passions

The Dead: Characterised by Being Incapable of Motion

The Dead: Characterised by Being Without the Spirit

The Dead: Characterised by Ignorance of all Human Affairs

The Dead: Characterised by Inability to Glorify God

The Dead: Diviners

The Dead: Even Bones of, Caused Uncleanness

The Dead: Eyes of, Closed by Nearest of Kin

The Dead: Faith Without Works

The Dead: Freedom from the Law

The Dead: Freedom from the Power of Sin

The Dead: Heathenish Expressions of Grief For, Forbidden

The Dead: High Priest in No Case to Mourn For

The Dead: Idolaters: Consecrated Part of Their Crops To

The Dead: Idolaters: Invoked and Consulted

The Dead: Idolaters: Offered Sacrifices For

The Dead: Idolaters: Tore Themselves For

The Dead: Impotence

The Dead: Instances of, Restored by Christ

The Dead: Instances of, Restored to Life Before Christ

The Dead: Man's State by Nature

The Dead: Mourning For, often by Hired Mourners

The Dead: Mourning For, often with Plaintive Music

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Lasted Many Days

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Loud and Clamorous

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Change of Apparel

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Covering the Head

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Taring the Hair

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Tearing the Garments

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Very Great

The Dead: Nazarites not to Touch or Mourn For

The Dead: Regard often Shown to the Memory of

The Dead: Return not to This Life

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Carcases

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Corpses

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Deceased

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Those Who are Not

The Dead: The Jews Looked for a Resurrection From

The Dead: They Who Have Departed This Life

The Dead: Those Defiled By, Removed from the Camp

The Dead: Too Soon Forgotten

The Dead: Touching of, Caused Uncleanness

The Dead: Uncleanness Contracted From, Removed by the Water Separation

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