The Calf: The Young of the Herd
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Job 21:10
Their bull engenders, and fails not; their cow calves, and casts not her calf.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jeremiah 31:12
Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow together to the goodness of the LORD, for wheat, and for wine, and for oil, and for the young of the flock and of the herd: and their soul shall be as a watered garden; and they shall not sorrow any more at all.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


And After. (xxx, xxxi, xxxix-Xliv. )
... With the corn, the new wine, the fresh oil, The young of the flock and the herd;
Till their ... Thou hast chastened me, chastened I am, Like a calf untrained. ...
// and after xxx xxxi.htm

Letter Xlv (Circa AD 1120) to a Youth Named Fulk, who Afterwards ...
... To the honourable young man Fulk, Brother Bernard, a sinner, wishes such joy in
youth as ... If he demands a lamb from the flock, a calf from the herd, and no ...
/.../some letters of saint bernard abbot of clairvaux/letter xlv circa a d 1120.htm

An Appreciation of John Wesley's Journal
... Those were the days of the Calf's Head Club and feastings ... as well known as Alfred
in the neat-herd's hut, and ... business of his life, just as the young Pitt came ...
/.../wesley/the journal of john wesley/an appreciation of john wesleys.htm

Light at Evening Time
... Oxford who met together to pray those six young men were ... blessed: thou canst remember
the day when the calf was in ... the fold and there shall be no herd in the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 3 1857/light at evening time.htm

Letter Lxvi. To Pammachius.
... large that on an emergency he could bring a picked body of young men into ... of his
guests, upon his own shoulders he brought home a fat calf from the herd. ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter lxvi to pammachius.htm

Matt. x. 34
... anger against them; both when they made the calf, and when ... It stops my breath that
this fellow, young as he ... in his own person he ran to the herd, and snatched ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily xxxv matt x 34.htm

The Holy City; Or, the New Jerusalem:
... shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord, for [spiritual] wheat, and for
wine, and for oil, and for the young of the flock and of the herd; and their ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the holy city or the.htm

The Political Constitution of Egypt
... In that case there was no law or custom to prevent a young and beautiful widow ... they
took from a common father raised them all above the vulgar herd but those ...
/.../chapter ithe political constitution of.htm

Appeal to the Christian Women of the South
... Look at Abraham, though so great a man, going to the herd himself and fetching a
calf from thence and serving it up with his own hands, for the entertainment ...
/.../an appeal to the christian women of the south/appeal to the christian women.htm

Period iii. The Critical Period: AD 140 to AD 200
... Now the story of their initiation of young novices is as detestable as it
is well known. An infant covered with meal, so as to deceive ...
/.../a source book for ancient church history/period iii the critical period .htm



Calf Image

Calf of Gold was Made of the Ornaments of the Women

Calf of Gold was Made: After an Egyptian Model

Calf of Gold was Made: To Go Before the Congregation

Calf of Gold was Made: To Represent God

Calf of Gold: An Altar Built Before

Calf of Gold: Destroyed by Moses

Calf of Gold: Fashioned With a Graven Tool

Calf of Gold: Made on Account of the Delay of Moses in the Mount

Calf of Gold: Making of a Forgetting of God

Calf of Gold: Making of a Turning Aside from the Divine Command

Calf of Gold: Making of a Very Great Sin

Calf of Gold: Making of Caused Moses to Break the Tables of the Testimony

Calf of Gold: Making of Excited Wrath Against Aaron

Calf of Gold: Making of Excited Wrath Against Israel

Calf of Gold: Making of Israel Punished For

Calf of Gold: Molten in the Fire

Calf of Gold: Moses Interceded for Those Who Worshipped

Calf of Gold: Punishment of Those Who Worshipped a Warning to Others

Calf of Gold: Sacrifices offered To

Calf of Gold: Worshipped With Profane Revelry

Calf: "Calves of the Lips" a Metaphor Signifying Worship

Calf: Altars of, Destroyed

Calf: Golden, Made by Aaron

Calf: Images of, Set up in Beth-El and Dan by Jeroboam

Calf: Offered in Sacrifice

Calf: Prophecies Against the Golden Calves at Beth-El

Calf: Worshiped by Jehu

The Calf of a Year Old Best for Sacrifice

The Calf: Eaten in the Patriarchal Age

The Calf: Fattened in Stalls

The Calf: Fed On: Branches of Trees

The Calf: Fed On: Milk

The Calf: If First-Born not Redeemed

The Calf: Offered in Sacrifice

The Calf: Patient Endurance

The Calf: Playfulness of, Alluded To

The Calf: Sacrifices of Praise

The Calf: Saints Nourished by Grace

The Calf: The Young of the Herd

The Calf: when Fattened Considered a Delicacy

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