The Burnt offering: To be offered Only to the Lord
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Judges 13:16
And the angel of the LORD said to Manoah, Though you detain me, I will not eat of your bread: and if you will offer a burnt offering, you must offer it to the LORD. For Manoah knew not that he was an angel of the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Burnt Offering a Picture and a Prophecy
... offerers; but the latter was only gradually made ... The 'burnt offering' stands first
in Leviticus for several ... from patriarchal times; it was offered twice daily ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/the burnt offering a picture.htm

The Story of Abraham and Isaac
... are obedient to God, since you are ready to give up your son, your only son, to
God ... And Abraham took the ram and offered him up for a burnt-offering in place ...
/.../marshall/the wonder book of bible stories/the story of abraham and.htm

Home Dedication.
... and he that had received the promises offered up his ... implicit obedience to the Lord,
and offering as an ... of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt offering!". ...
/.../ christian home/chapter x home dedication.htm

Abraham's Offering up his Son Isaac
... is plain, capable of carrying wood enough for a burnt-offering. ... therefore is as willing
to be offered, as Abraham ... the Lord: adieu, my Isaac, my only son, whom ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/abrahams offering up his son.htm

Of Abraham's Obedience and Faith, which were Proved by the ...
... received the promise offered up his only son, to ... Then, having offered up that ram
instead of Isaac ... by the oath of God, after that burnt-offering which typified ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 32 of abrahams obedience and.htm

Whether a Suitable Cause Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies which ...
... sacrifices, by the fact that man offered some of ... thereby men were withdrawn from
offering sacrifices to ... of Egypt, concerning the matter of burnt-offerings and ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether a suitable cause can.htm

What a Sacrifice Is, and what are the Species of Sacrifice.
... Therefore it is opposed not only to the Levitical ... hast Thou opened, ie, Thou hast
offered to me ... Likewise Ps.51, 16.17: Thou delightest not in burnt offering. ...
/.../melanchthon/the apology of the augsburg confession/part 30 what a sacrifice.htm

Separation to God.
... who offered it, nor by the offerer who presented it, it was all and only for GOD'S
satisfaction. When Noah offered his burnt-offering, the LORD smelled a sweet ...
/.../taylor/separation and service/part i separation to god.htm

Sacrifice Renewed
... as abhorrent to Him as if it had been avowedly offered to Baal ... the slaying of three
hundred and seventy animals and the offering of them as burnt offerings ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/sacrifice renewed.htm

Repentance and victory
... Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered it for ... as Samuel was offering up the
burnt-offering, the Philistines ... and foreign oppression, relieved only by Samuel's ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/repentance and victory.htm



Burnt Offering

Burnt Sacrifice

The Burnt offering for Nazarites After Defilement, or at the End of Their Vow

The Burnt offering for the Healed Leper

The Burnt offering of Human Victims Execrated

The Burnt offering of the Wicked, not Accepted by God

The Burnt offering was an Atonement for Sin

The Burnt offering with Sounds of Trumpets at Feasts

The Burnt offering: Abraham Tried by the Command to offer Isaac As

The Burnt offering: After Great Mercies

The Burnt offering: Ashes of, Collected at Foot of the Altar, and Conveyed

The Burnt offering: At Consecration of Kings

The Burnt offering: At Consecration of Levites

The Burnt offering: At Consecration Priests

The Burnt offering: At Dedication of Sacred Places

The Burnt offering: At Purification of Women

The Burnt offering: Before Going to War

The Burnt offering: Blood of, Sprinkled Round About Upon the Altar

The Burnt offering: Devotedness to God

The Burnt offering: Every Morning and Evening

The Burnt offering: Every Sabbath Day

The Burnt offering: Guilt of offering, Except in the Place Appointed

The Burnt offering: Guilt of Unauthorised Persons offering

The Burnt offering: Guilt Transferred To, by Imposition of Hands

The Burnt offering: If a Bird, the Blood Was Wrung out at the Side of the Altar

The Burnt offering: Incapable of Removing Sin, and Reconciling to God

The Burnt offering: Knowledge of God Better Than

The Burnt offering: Love of God Better Than

The Burnt offering: Obedience Better Than

The Burnt offering: Offered by the Jews Before the Law

The Burnt offering: Required to be for the People at Large, Killed and Prepared by the Levites

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: A Male Without Blemish

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Entirely Burned

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Killed, If a Beast, by the Person Who Brought It

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Killed, If a Bird, by the Priest

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Offered by Priests Only

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Offered in Righteousness

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Presented at the Door of the Tabernacle

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Voluntary

The Burnt offering: Skin of, Given to the Priests for Clothing

The Burnt offering: Specially Acceptable

The Burnt offering: The Day of Atonement

The Burnt offering: The Fat of all Peace offerings Laid On, and Consumed With

The Burnt offering: The First Day of Every Month

The Burnt offering: The Most Ancient of all Sacrifices

The Burnt offering: The Most Costly, No Adequate Tribute to God

The Burnt offering: The offering of Christ

The Burnt offering: The Seven Days of Unleavened Bread

The Burnt offering: To be offered Only to the Lord

The Burnt offering: To be Taken From: The Flock or Herd

The Burnt offering: To be Taken From: The Fowls

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