The Burnt offering: The Most Costly, No Adequate Tribute to God
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 40:16
And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 50:9-13
I will take no bullock out of your house, nor he goats out of your folds.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Gods of Egypt
... so distant as to make it very costly to reach ... these meagre resources fail, even the
most revolting dung ... one fanning his master, and the second offering him his ...
/.../chapter ii the gods of egypt.htm

The Rise of the Assyrian Empire
... the corn itself is in danger of being burnt up before ... no doubt, he had left it as
an offering in one ... us as Shalmaneser I., one of the most powerful sovereigns ...
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Sennacherib (705-681 BC )
... must have represented a king offering the image ... He burnt their villages, and carried
off herds of cattle ... to the fabulous Sardanapalus, but most historians with ...
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The First Theban Empire
... of Pharaoh's throne, and of caravans offering the rarest ... as slaves, the huts pillaged,
villages burnt, whole tribes ... The booty consisted for the most part of ...
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The First Chaldaean Empire and the Hyksos in Egypt
... advance southwards, they become denuded and burnt by the ... have been provisionally
accepted by most Assyriologists. ... at one blow, the enemy offering an obstinate ...
/.../chapter ithe first chaldaean empire.htm

The Memphite Empire
... the temples and by prohibiting the offering of sacrifices ... There was no pyramid so
insignificant that it had not ... associated with some amulet"in most cases with ...
/.../chapter iithe memphite empire.htm

Period I: the Imperial State Church of the Undivided Empire, or ...
... in each place and church by our most honored fellow ... In addition to these things,
they shall have no authority to ... Let such as by the grace of God and your ...
/.../ayer/a source book for ancient church history/period i the imperial state.htm



Burnt Offering

Burnt Sacrifice

The Burnt offering for Nazarites After Defilement, or at the End of Their Vow

The Burnt offering for the Healed Leper

The Burnt offering of Human Victims Execrated

The Burnt offering of the Wicked, not Accepted by God

The Burnt offering was an Atonement for Sin

The Burnt offering with Sounds of Trumpets at Feasts

The Burnt offering: Abraham Tried by the Command to offer Isaac As

The Burnt offering: After Great Mercies

The Burnt offering: Ashes of, Collected at Foot of the Altar, and Conveyed

The Burnt offering: At Consecration of Kings

The Burnt offering: At Consecration of Levites

The Burnt offering: At Consecration Priests

The Burnt offering: At Dedication of Sacred Places

The Burnt offering: At Purification of Women

The Burnt offering: Before Going to War

The Burnt offering: Blood of, Sprinkled Round About Upon the Altar

The Burnt offering: Devotedness to God

The Burnt offering: Every Morning and Evening

The Burnt offering: Every Sabbath Day

The Burnt offering: Guilt of offering, Except in the Place Appointed

The Burnt offering: Guilt of Unauthorised Persons offering

The Burnt offering: Guilt Transferred To, by Imposition of Hands

The Burnt offering: If a Bird, the Blood Was Wrung out at the Side of the Altar

The Burnt offering: Incapable of Removing Sin, and Reconciling to God

The Burnt offering: Knowledge of God Better Than

The Burnt offering: Love of God Better Than

The Burnt offering: Obedience Better Than

The Burnt offering: Offered by the Jews Before the Law

The Burnt offering: Required to be for the People at Large, Killed and Prepared by the Levites

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: A Male Without Blemish

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Entirely Burned

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Killed, If a Beast, by the Person Who Brought It

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Killed, If a Bird, by the Priest

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Offered by Priests Only

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Offered in Righteousness

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Presented at the Door of the Tabernacle

The Burnt offering: Required to Be: Voluntary

The Burnt offering: Skin of, Given to the Priests for Clothing

The Burnt offering: Specially Acceptable

The Burnt offering: The Day of Atonement

The Burnt offering: The Fat of all Peace offerings Laid On, and Consumed With

The Burnt offering: The First Day of Every Month

The Burnt offering: The Most Ancient of all Sacrifices

The Burnt offering: The Most Costly, No Adequate Tribute to God

The Burnt offering: The offering of Christ

The Burnt offering: The Seven Days of Unleavened Bread

The Burnt offering: To be offered Only to the Lord

The Burnt offering: To be Taken From: The Flock or Herd

The Burnt offering: To be Taken From: The Fowls

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