The Blessed: Who Endure Temptation
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Warfare of a Christian Life.
... as a good soldier." There are some things to endure along the Christian way. James
says, "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation." Temptations are outward ...
/.../orr/how to live a holy life/the warfare of a christian.htm

Letter i. --Temptation to Despair.
... Letter I."Temptation to Despair ... Well, this is precisely what God does not wish, and
what He cannot endure in souls aspiring after perfection ... blessed despoilment ...
/.../de caussade/abandonment to divine providence/letter i temptation to despair.htm

The Temptation of Christ
... We may therefore from this blessed passage gather strong consolations ... that, we may
be called to endure many a ... in our hearts, which time and temptation may draw ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/the temptation of christ.htm

And Bring us not into Temptation but Deliver us from Evil
... Reviled, we have blessed; persecuted, we have borne up ... as though poverty involved
no temptation"he must ... since according to Solomon, the needy endure no threats ...
// on prayer/chapter xix and bring us.htm

On the Presentation of the Blessed virgin, or on the Octave of Her ...
... man holds fast in his integrity, temptation comes to ... mean the Sacred Humanity of
our Blessed Lord Jesus ... a thousand times less can nature endure this condition ...
/...// inner way/sermon xiv on the presentation.htm

Blessed Adversity.
... of Satan had in vain tried ordinary means of temptation with the ... was blessed prosperity,
his adversity, likewise, was blessed adversity ... Weeping may endure for a ...
// ribband of blue/blessed adversity.htm

Certain Amorous Speeches of the Soul to Herself in Prayer:
... The like is to be said of the following Devotions to our Blessed Lady, &c. ... 4. When
wilt thou peaceably and gently endure all tribulation and temptation? ...
/.../certain amorous speeches of the.htm

Spiritual Desolation.
... Blessed be thy holy will! ... "O how much better it is," says St. John of Avila, "to
endure aridity and temptation by God's will than to be raised to the ...
/.../de liguori/uniformity with gods will/6 spiritual desolation.htm

Meditations for one that is Like to Die.
... xi), are now most blessed and glorious saints with ... consideration of which made David
endure Shimei's cursed ... and every sense, upon, every temptation, is ready ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/meditations for one that is.htm

On a Holy Martyr's Day
... day, singing of him that he is blessed because he ... The other sort of temptation is
inward and spiritual ... great grievances and temptations which he has to endure. ...
// inner way/sermon xxxi on a holy.htm



The Blessed: Holy Mourners

The Blessed: Saints at the Judgment Day

The Blessed: The Bountiful

The Blessed: The Children of the Just

The Blessed: The Faithful

The Blessed: The Generation of the Upright

The Blessed: The Just

The Blessed: The Meek

The Blessed: The Merciful

The Blessed: The Peace-Makers

The Blessed: The Poor in Spirit

The Blessed: The Pure in Heart

The Blessed: The Righteous

The Blessed: The Undefiled

The Blessed: To Whom God Imputes Righteousness Without Works

The Blessed: Who are not offended at Christ

The Blessed: Who Avoid the Wicked

The Blessed: Who Believe

The Blessed: Who Delight in the Commandments of God

The Blessed: Who Die in the Lord

The Blessed: Who Endure Temptation

The Blessed: Who Favour Saints

The Blessed: Who Fear God

The Blessed: Who Frequent the House of God

The Blessed: Who Have Part in the First Resurrection

The Blessed: Who Have the Lord for Their God

The Blessed: Who Hear and Keep the Word of God

The Blessed: Who Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness

The Blessed: Who Keep the Commandments of God

The Blessed: Who Know Christ

The Blessed: Who Know the Gospel

The Blessed: Who Rebuke Sinners

The Blessed: Who Shall Eat Bread in the Kingdom of God

The Blessed: Who Suffer for Christ

The Blessed: Who Trust in God

The Blessed: Who Wait for the Lord

The Blessed: Who Watch Against Sin

The Blessed: Who Watch for the Lord

The Blessed: Whom God Calls

The Blessed: Whom God Chastens

The Blessed: Whom God Chooses

The Blessed: Whose Sins are Forgiven

The Blessed: Whose Strength is in the Lord

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