The Amalekites: Country of: in the South of Canaan
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Numbers 13:29
The Amalekites dwell in the land of the south: and the Hittites, and the Jebusites, and the Amorites, dwell in the mountains: and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of Jordan.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Samuel 27:8
And David and his men went up, and invaded the Geshurites, and the Gezrites, and the Amalekites: for those nations were of old the inhabitants of the land, as you go to Shur, even to the land of Egypt.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


... part of the later population of the country traced its ... Then the Amalekites were pursued
into their desert domain and ... to the north had left the south of Canaan ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter ii canaan.htm

The Nations of the South-East
... Palestine doubtless included it in the country of "the ... But whereas the Amalekites
were the wild, untamable natives ... Gilead and the myrrh of the south on their ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter iii the nations of.htm

Afraid of Giants
... The Amalekites dwell in the land of the south; and ... on two points: the eligibility
of the country for settlement ... the spies went up into 'the South.' The Revised ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture k/afraid of giants.htm

The Israelites
... of the Old Testament are the Amalekites, and between ... the Kishon, when a new enemy
appeared in the south. ... contended with them for the possession of the country. ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter i the israelites.htm

The Reaction against Egypt
... took up the matter afresh: he perceived that we have here an allusion to the first
town encountered by Seti I. in the country of Canaan to the south-west of ...
/.../chapter iithe reaction against egypt.htm

Chapter xiv
... out punishment to the south, in fact, due south of the ... an anachronism as to say that
the Amalekites were smitten ... This name would mean "the sandy country of palms ...
// of genesis volume 1/chapter xiv.htm

The First Chaldaean Empire and the Hyksos in Egypt
... The two empires were separated from south to north by the sea and ... as El-Paran; then
retracing his footsteps, he entered the country of the Amalekites by way ...
/.../chapter ithe first chaldaean empire.htm

The Vanguard and Rereward of the Church
... They came into the country of the mighty ones, the sons ... us that, when hey went to
the South Seas to ... The Amalekites may fall upon the stuff, or the Philistines ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/the vanguard and rereward of.htm

Fire! Fire! Fire!
... constantly beset by the marauders of the Amalekites, you find ... fact that the Church
is in an enemy's country. ... the north, "Give up;" and to the south, "Keep not ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 7 1861/fire fire fire.htm

The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... The Israelites in the land of Canaan: the judges ... others, and penetrated gradually
as far south as the ... establishing petty kings among the hill-country of Shechem ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm



Amalekites: A People Inhabiting the Country South of Idumea and East of the Red Sea

Amalekites: Defeat the Israelites

Amalekites: Defeated by Chedorlaomer

Amalekites: Defeated by David

Amalekites: Defeated by Gideon

Amalekites: Defeated by Joshua

Amalekites: Defeated by Saul

Amalekites: Defeated by the Simeonites

Amalekites: Israel Commanded to Destroy

Amalekites: Prophecies Against

The Amalekites were the First to Oppose Israel

The Amalekites with Midian, Oppressed Israel

The Amalekites: A Powerful and Influential Nation

The Amalekites: Agag, King of, Slain by Samuel

The Amalekites: Character of Oppressive

The Amalekites: Character of Warlike and Cruel

The Amalekites: Character of Wicked

The Amalekites: Confederated Against Israel

The Amalekites: Country of: Extended from Havilah to Shur

The Amalekites: Country of: in the South of Canaan

The Amalekites: Country of: Was the Scene of Ancient Warfare

The Amalekites: Descent of

The Amalekites: Discomfited at Rephidim Through the Intercession of Moses

The Amalekites: Doomed to Utter Destruction for Opposing Israel

The Amalekites: Governed by Kings

The Amalekites: Invaded by David

The Amalekites: Overcome by Gideon

The Amalekites: Part of the Kenites Dwelt Amongst

The Amalekites: Part of Their Possessions Taken by Ephraim

The Amalekites: Pillaged and Burned Ziklag

The Amalekites: Possessed Cities

The Amalekites: Presumption of Israel Punished By

The Amalekites: Pursued and Slain by David

The Amalekites: Remnant of, Completely Destroyed During the Reign of Hezekiah

The Amalekites: Saul: Commissioned to Destroy

The Amalekites: Saul: Condemned for not Utterly Destroying

The Amalekites: Saul: Massacred

The Amalekites: Saul: Overcame, and Delivered Israel

The Amalekites: Spoil Taken From, Consecrated

The Amalekites: Their Utter Destruction Foretold

The Amalekites: United With Eglon Against Israel

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