The Affections: should be Zealously Engaged for God
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 69:9
For the zeal of your house has eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached you are fallen on me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 119:139
My zeal has consumed me, because my enemies have forgotten your words.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Galatians 4:18
But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Best Things Work for Good to the Godly
... What am I, that I should have those ... A soul encompassed with mercy is zealously active
in ... It quickens their affections, strengthens their graces, mortifies ...
// divine cordial/the best things work for.htm

... the will invested with liberty, the affections like musical ... capable of glory, oh
how zealously industrious should ... of their Lord and Master, should take all ...
/.../watson/the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/1 introduction.htm

A Serious Persuasive to Such a Method of Spending Our Days as is ...
... in having such a command of your thoughts, affections, and actions ... heart and life
had been too zealously devoted to ... on the other hand, if death should make more ...
/.../chapter xx a serious persuasive.htm

The Institution of Deacons, and the History of Stephen.
... he often permits selfishness to cramp the best affections of his ... the face of an angel,
if he should become visible ... "It is good to be zealously affected always ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture viii the institution of.htm

From the Close of the General Conference of 1816 to the ...
... as he had frequently felt similar affections, and, by ... impressed on his mind he should
never meet ... the itinerancy, and was again zealously engaged in promoting ...
/.../chapter 4 from the close.htm

A More Particular view of the Several Branches of the Christian ...
... divine things may be quick, your affections ready to ... as you can influence, by which
God should be offended ... and your Father." You will be "zealously affected in ...
/.../the rise and progress of religion in the soul/chapter xiv a more particular.htm

From the Close of the General Conference of 1800, to the End of ...
... minister who was present, and zealously engaged in promoting its ... any control over
their understandings and affections. ... of truth, the other should be equally ...
/.../chapter 5 from the close.htm

Preface to the Present Edition.
... Here, besides discharging zealously and edifyingly the duties of the ... scope for the
exercise of Acts and Affections. ... the spiritual life, the soul should be well ...
/.../preface to the present edition.htm

Upon Our Lord's SermonOn the Mount
... It does not destroy but balance the affections, which the ... to every soul that God
hath made, should be pained ... can they avoid this, who are zealously attached to ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 22 upon our lords.htm

The Life of Mr. William Guthrie.
... him, and introducing himself to their affections, and in ... love to Jesus Christ, which
zealously inspired them ... Maker, though never so much hazard should attend it ...
/.../howie/biographia scoticana scots worthies/the life of mr william 2.htm



Affections of Saints, Supremely Set on God

Affections of the Wicked, are Unnatural and Perverted

Affections of the Wicked, not Sincerely Set on God

Affections: Blessedness of Making God the Object of

Affections: Carnal Affections Crucified in Saints

Affections: Carnal, should be Mortified

Affections: Christ Claims the First Place In

Affections: Enkindled by Communion With Christ

Affections: False Teachers Seek to Captivate

Affections: should be Set Upon Heavenly Things

Affections: should be Set Upon the Commandments of God

Affections: should be Set Upon the House and Worship of God

Affections: should be Set Upon the People of God

Affections: should be Supremely Set Upon God

Affections: should be Zealously Engaged for God

Affections: should not Grow Cold

The Affections of Saints, Supremely Set on God

The Affections of the Wicked, are Unnatural and Perverted

The Affections of the Wicked, not Sincerely Set on God

The Affections: Blessedness of Making God the Object of

The Affections: Carnal Affections Crucified in Saints

The Affections: Carnal Affections should be Mortified

The Affections: Christ Claims the First Place In

The Affections: Enkindled by Communion With Christ

The Affections: False Teachers Seek to Captivate

The Affections: should be Set: Upon Heavenly Things

The Affections: should be Set: Upon the Commandments of God

The Affections: should be Set: Upon the House and Worship of God

The Affections: should be Set: Upon the People of God

The Affections: should be Supremely Set Upon God

The Affections: should be Zealously Engaged for God

The Affections: should not Grow Cold

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