The Affections: should be Set: Upon Heavenly Things
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Colossians 3:1,2
If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


What Use Heavenly Contemplation Makes of Consideration, the ...
... Therefore, Christian reader, when thou art raising thy affections to heaven ... of my
mind?' Why do I not set upon my enemies ... What should stop me, or intimidate me? ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter xiv what use heavenly.htm

Directions How to Lead a Heavenly Life Upon Earth.
... the institution of his ordinances was that they should be as ... with somewhat from God
to raise my affections before I ... within the view of rest, and set it before ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter xii directions how to.htm

The Importance of Leading a Heavenly Life Upon Earth.
... his heart on sinful dust, methinks we should easily be ... and ascend to him in our daily
affections, who so ... perceive that the heart of God is set upon thee, and ...
/.../baxter/the saints everlasting rest/chapter xi the importance of.htm

"Boast not Thyself of to Morrow, for Thou Knowest not what a Day ...
... One says, it shows us that our affections should be set upon things above and ... glory
and beauty of the earth is but skin deep, but heavenly things are alike ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon vii boast not thyself.htm

The Sermon on the Mount.
... for it is better that our hearts should abide in ... If we do not set our affections
upon spiritual things ... Jesus therefore represents our affections as if they were ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/xlii the sermon on the 6.htm

Heavenly Contemplation Assisted by Sensible Objects, and Guarded ...
... nothing to fix our thoughts upon; we set them so ... things have sometimes greatly affected
me; and should not these ... you see how it excites our affections in this ...
/.../the saints everlasting rest/chapter xv heavenly contemplation assisted.htm

The Tenth Commandment
... but when once he had got entertainment, he set up his ... His affections were sublimated,
and took a turn in ... and viewed its superlative glory, how should we, with ...
/.../watson/the ten commandments/2 1 the tenth commandment.htm

How God is Jealous of Us.
... the love of us that he desires we should love him ... by a holy distrust of jealousy
will be set upon the heart ... And that he may not only enjoy the affections of our ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter xiii how god is.htm

Thoughts Upon Our Call and Election.
... us, every thing about us, every thing that comes from us should be holy ... and perfect
will of God, Romans 12:2. To set our Affections upon things above, and ...
/.../beveridge/private thoughts upon a christian life/thoughts upon our call and.htm

Of the Inward Life
... habitation to be, and all earthly things should be looked ... inwardly true and free
from inordinate affections, is able ... walk from within, and to set little value ...
// of christ/chapter i of the inward.htm



Affections of Saints, Supremely Set on God

Affections of the Wicked, are Unnatural and Perverted

Affections of the Wicked, not Sincerely Set on God

Affections: Blessedness of Making God the Object of

Affections: Carnal Affections Crucified in Saints

Affections: Carnal, should be Mortified

Affections: Christ Claims the First Place In

Affections: Enkindled by Communion With Christ

Affections: False Teachers Seek to Captivate

Affections: should be Set Upon Heavenly Things

Affections: should be Set Upon the Commandments of God

Affections: should be Set Upon the House and Worship of God

Affections: should be Set Upon the People of God

Affections: should be Supremely Set Upon God

Affections: should be Zealously Engaged for God

Affections: should not Grow Cold

The Affections of Saints, Supremely Set on God

The Affections of the Wicked, are Unnatural and Perverted

The Affections of the Wicked, not Sincerely Set on God

The Affections: Blessedness of Making God the Object of

The Affections: Carnal Affections Crucified in Saints

The Affections: Carnal Affections should be Mortified

The Affections: Christ Claims the First Place In

The Affections: Enkindled by Communion With Christ

The Affections: False Teachers Seek to Captivate

The Affections: should be Set: Upon Heavenly Things

The Affections: should be Set: Upon the Commandments of God

The Affections: should be Set: Upon the House and Worship of God

The Affections: should be Set: Upon the People of God

The Affections: should be Supremely Set Upon God

The Affections: should be Zealously Engaged for God

The Affections: should not Grow Cold

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