Thanksgiving: Levites
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2 Chronicles 5:12,13
Also the Levites which were the singers, all of them of Asaph, of Heman, of Jeduthun, with their sons and their brothers, being arrayed in white linen, having cymbals and psalteries and harps, stood at the east end of the altar, and with them an hundred and twenty priests sounding with trumpets:)
Torrey's Topical Textbook


At the Feast of Tabernacles
... With sacred song and thanksgiving the worshipers celebrated this occasion. ... side of
the white marble steps of the sacred building, the choir of Levites led the ...
// desire of ages/chapter 49 at the feast.htm

The Charge of the Watchers in the Temple
... According to the authorities, two hundred and forty priests and Levites were the
nightly ... have been so blessed in order that, filled with thanksgiving for such ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture j/the charge of the watchers.htm

... A great gladness took possession of the worshiping multitude; "the Levites and the ...
at the temple to offer their tribute of praise and thanksgiving; and as the ...
/.../white/the story of prophets and kings/chapter 28 hezekiah.htm

On the Instruction of Catechumens, and their Initiation into ...
... A Thanksgiving Concerning the Mystical Ointment. ... of the Lord was finished by King
Solomon, in the very feast of dedication the priests and the Levites and the ...
/.../various/constitutions of the holy apostles/sec iii on the instruction of.htm

How the Temple was Built While the Cutheans Endeavored in Vain to ...
... The priests also and the Levites set the porters at every gate, according ... whole
burnt-offerings to God, and performed sacrifices of thanksgiving, because God ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 4 how the temple.htm

At the Feast of Tabernacles - First Discourse in the Temple
... the Feast, beginning with the completed harvest, for which it was a thanksgiving,
pointed to ... a stirring scene, when from out of the mass of Levites, with their ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter vi at the feast.htm

A Spiritual Revival
... for a sin offering and as a token of their gratitude and thanksgiving for the ... Some
of "the people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites" had so far ...
/.../white/the story of prophets and kings/chapter 51 a spiritual revival.htm

Letter v. Prayer and Fasting.
... The prayer of the Levites, in behalf of the people, after the return from captivity,
commences with thanksgiving and adoration, and proceeds with confession ...
/.../letter v prayer and fasting.htm

The Foundation of the Church among the Jews
... by evening, there was also joined a continual round of praise and thanksgiving. ...
Christian {4} ministry represented the High Priest, Priests, and Levites of the ...
/.../blunt/a key to the knowledge of church history/chapter i the foundation of.htm

... By two simple ceremonies, one of thanksgiving, the other a confession of faith ... its
ratification by the people, and the curses to be uttered by the Levites.]. ...
/.../mcfadyen/introduction to the old testament/deuteronomy.htm



Thanksgiving is a Good Thing

Thanksgiving of Hypocrites, Full of Boasting

Thanksgiving: Anna

Thanksgiving: Christ Set an Example of

Thanksgiving: Commanded

Thanksgiving: Daniel

Thanksgiving: David

Thanksgiving: Expressed in Psalms

Thanksgiving: Jonah

Thanksgiving: Levites

Thanksgiving: Ministers Appointed to offer, in Public

Thanksgiving: Paul

Thanksgiving: Saints: Abound in the Faith With

Thanksgiving: Saints: Come Before God With

Thanksgiving: Saints: Exhorted To

Thanksgiving: Saints: Habitually offer

Thanksgiving: Saints: Magnify God By

Thanksgiving: Saints: Offer Sacrifices of

Thanksgiving: Saints: Resolved to offer

Thanksgiving: Saints: should Enter God's Gate With

Thanksgiving: should Always Accompany Praise

Thanksgiving: should Always Accompany Prayer

Thanksgiving: should be Accompanied by Intercession for Others

Thanksgiving: should be offered for all Men

Thanksgiving: should be offered for all Things

Thanksgiving: should be offered for Appointment to the Ministry

Thanksgiving: should be offered for Christ's Power and Reign

Thanksgiving: should be offered for Deliverance Through Christ from In-Dwelling Sin

Thanksgiving: should be offered for Faith Exhibited by Others

Thanksgiving: should be offered for Love Exhibited by Others

Thanksgiving: should be offered for the Conversion of Others

Thanksgiving: should be offered for the Gift of Christ

Thanksgiving: should be offered for the Goodness and Mercy of God

Thanksgiving: should be offered for the Grace Bestowed on Others

Thanksgiving: should be offered for the Nearness of God's Presence

Thanksgiving: should be offered for the Reception and Effectual Working of the Word of God

Thanksgiving: should be offered for the Supply of Our Bodily Wants

Thanksgiving: should be offered for the Triumph of the Gospel

Thanksgiving: should be offered for the Zeal Exhibited by Others

Thanksgiving: should be offered for Victory Over Death and the Grave

Thanksgiving: should be offered for Willingness to offer Our Property for God's Service

Thanksgiving: should be offered for Wisdom and Might

Thanksgiving: should be offered in Behalf of Ministers

Thanksgiving: should be offered in Everything

Thanksgiving: should be offered in Private Worship

Thanksgiving: should be offered in Public Worship

Thanksgiving: should be offered in the Name of Christ

Thanksgiving: should be offered: Always

Thanksgiving: should be offered: At the Remembrance of God's Holiness

Thanksgiving: should be offered: Before Taking Food

Thanksgiving: should be offered: Through Christ

Thanksgiving: should be offered: To Christ

Thanksgiving: should be offered: To God

Thanksgiving: should be offered: Upon the Completion of Great Undertakings

Thanksgiving: Simeon

Thanksgiving: The Heavenly Host Engaged In

Thanksgiving: The Wicked Averse To

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