Tents were Used by The Rechabites
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Jeremiah 35:7,10
Neither shall you build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyard, nor have any: but all your days you shall dwell in tents; that you may live many days in the land where you be strangers.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


False Civilization
... living in their great black camels' hair tents, feeding their ... Wild men they were
in their ways, yet living a ... now"and whether they rode them, or used them to ...
/.../kingsley/discipline and other sermons/sermon vi false civilization.htm

The Blessing of God on Filial Piety.
... Wine is doubtless here used in a large sense ... and convenient dwellings, and reside
in tents through every ... neither fields nor vineyards, which were allowed to ...
/.../lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon xxiii the blessing of.htm



Tents of the Jews Contrasted With Those of the Arabs

Tents were Pitched in the Neighbourhood of Wells

Tents were Pitched with Order and Regularity

Tents were Pitched: On the Tops of Houses

Tents were Pitched: Under Trees

Tents were Spread Out

Tents were Used by all Eastern Nations

Tents were Used by Israel in the Desert

Tents were Used by Patriarchs

Tents were Used by Shepherds While Tending Their Flocks

Tents were Used by The Arabs

Tents were Used by The People of Israel in all Their Wars

Tents were Used by The Rechabites

Tents: (Enlarging of) of the Great Extension of the Church

Tents: (Spread Out) the Heavens

Tents: Called: Curtains

Tents: Called: Tabernacles

Tents: Custom of Sitting and Standing at the Door of

Tents: Ease and Rapidity of Their Removal, Alluded To

Tents: Fastened by Cords to Stakes or Nails

Tents: Origin and Antiquity of

Tents: Sending Persons to Seek a Convenient Place For, Alluded To

Tents: Separate, for Females of the Family

Tents: Separate, for the Servants

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