Tents were Pitched in the Neighbourhood of Wells
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 13:10,12
And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as you come to Zoar.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Genesis 26:17,18
And Isaac departed there, and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelled there.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Samuel 29:1
Now the Philistines gathered together all their armies to Aphek: and the Israelites pitched by a fountain which is in Jezreel.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Mission Tours.
... toiling people the wells did appear wells of salvation ... had been for some days in
the neighbourhood what is ... At Delhi our tents were pitched in an open space near ...
/.../life and work in benares and kumaon 1839-1877/chapter xiv mission tours.htm

The Power of Assyria at Its Zenith; Esarhaddon and Assur-Bani-Pal
... the garrisons scattered over the province were not sufficiently strong in numbers
to risk a pitched battle: Khumban ... to the countries in the neighbourhood of the ...
/.../chapter iithe power of assyria 2.htm

The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... Properly speaking, there were no pitched battles between them, but ... by the way of
them that dwelt in tents on the ... two chiefs: "What manner of men were they whom ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm

The Memphite Empire
... of acacia interlaced with thorny bushes, the tents or huts ... a granite chamber with
a high-pitched roof ... whole resources of the royal treasure were not sufficient ...
/.../chapter iithe memphite empire.htm



Tents of the Jews Contrasted With Those of the Arabs

Tents were Pitched in the Neighbourhood of Wells

Tents were Pitched with Order and Regularity

Tents were Pitched: On the Tops of Houses

Tents were Pitched: Under Trees

Tents were Spread Out

Tents were Used by all Eastern Nations

Tents were Used by Israel in the Desert

Tents were Used by Patriarchs

Tents were Used by Shepherds While Tending Their Flocks

Tents were Used by The Arabs

Tents were Used by The People of Israel in all Their Wars

Tents were Used by The Rechabites

Tents: (Enlarging of) of the Great Extension of the Church

Tents: (Spread Out) the Heavens

Tents: Called: Curtains

Tents: Called: Tabernacles

Tents: Custom of Sitting and Standing at the Door of

Tents: Ease and Rapidity of Their Removal, Alluded To

Tents: Fastened by Cords to Stakes or Nails

Tents: Origin and Antiquity of

Tents: Sending Persons to Seek a Convenient Place For, Alluded To

Tents: Separate, for Females of the Family

Tents: Separate, for the Servants

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