Ships: Large
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
James 3:4
Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, wherever the governor wants.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


"In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea"
... Some large ships were sent up toward the North Pole, for the purpose of discovering
the boundaries of land and sea, and of trying how far men could make their ...
/.../wells/bible stories and religious classics/in the uttermost parts of.htm

The Saviour's Last Command.
... sister and sister from brother"to crowd them together without distinction of age
or sex in the suffocating holds of their ships, where a large proportion of ...
/.../dibble/thoughts on missions/chapter iv the saviours last.htm

Voyage to India.
... many miles beyond, and the tidal wave, which comes in at certain times, is very
dangerous to small craft, and requires care on the part of large ships. ...
/.../life and work in benares and kumaon 1839-1877/chapter i voyage to india.htm

Of the [Temple And] Cities that were Built by Herod and Erected ...
... He also gave corn to all such as wanted it, and conferred upon Rhodes large sums
of money for building ships; and this he did in many places, and frequently ...
/.../chapter 21 of the temple.htm

The Story of Noah and the Ark
... He was to build a very large boat, as large as the largest ships that are made in
our time; very long, and very wide and very deep; with a roof over it; and ...
/.../marshall/the wonder book of bible stories/the story of noah and.htm

The Ecstasy of Saint Monnica
... The Government stores-ships landed the African oil and corn there. ... the excavations
of archaeologists have lately brought to light the remains of a large town. ...
// augustin/ii the ecstasy of saint.htm

Crossing the Hellespont.
... In the first place, you have so large a number of ships, galleys, and transports
in your fleet, that I do not see how, when you have gone down upon the Greek ...
// v crossing the hellespont.htm

His Arrival in his Native Land and the virtues Practised There ...
... at Valencia to sail to Genoa, several of his well-wishers dissuaded him, because,
as they asserted, the Barbary pirates were on the sea with many large ships. ...
/.../loyola/the autobiography of st ignatius/chapter viii his arrival in.htm

Expedition of Julian into Persia; He was Worsted and Broke
... he was journeying up the Euphrates, he arrived at Ctesiphon, a very large city,
whither ... As he was prevented from reaching the city with his ships, by a part of ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of sozomenus/chapter i expedition of julian into.htm

The Reconnoitering of Greece.
... At Sidon the land journey of the expedition was ended. Here they bought two large
and splendid ships, galleys of three banks of oars, to convey them to Greece. ...
/.../abbott/darius the great/chapter vi the reconnoitering of.htm



Ships and Boats

Ships of Adramyttium

Ships of Alexandria

Ships of Chaldea

Ships of Chittim

Ships of Industrious Women

Ships of Tarshish

Ships of Tyre

Ships were often Wrecked

Ships: (Wrecked) Departure from the Faith

Ships: Antiquity of, Among the Jews

Ships: Commanded by a Master

Ships: Course of Frequently Directed by the Heavenly Bodies

Ships: Course of, Through the Midst of the Sea, Wonderful

Ships: Employed in Carrying Passengers

Ships: Employed in Fishing

Ships: Employed in Trading

Ships: Employed in War

Ships: Endangered by Quicksands

Ships: Endangered by Rocks

Ships: Endangered by Storms

Ships: Gallant

Ships: Generally Impelled by Sails

Ships: Generally Made of the Fir Tree

Ships: Governed and Directed by the Helm

Ships: Guided in Their Course by Pilots

Ships: Large

Ships: Navigated: Lakes

Ships: Navigated: Rivers

Ships: Navigated: The Ocean

Ships: Often Impelled by Oars

Ships: Often the Property of Individuals

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Anchors

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Boats

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Forepart or Foreship

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Hinder Part or Stern

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Hold or Between the Sides

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Mast

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Oars

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Rudder or Helm

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Rudder-Bands

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Sails

Ships: Parts of Mentioned: The Tackling

Ships: Probably Originated from the Ark Made by Noah

Ships: Solomon Built a Navy of

Ships: Sometimes Made of Bulrushes

Ships: Soundings Usually Taken For, in Dangerous Places

Ships: Strong

Ships: Swift

Ships: The Hinder Part of, Occupied by the Passengers

Ships: The Seams of, Were Caulked

Ships: Usually Distinguished by Signs or Figure Heads

Ships: when Damaged Were Sometimes Undergirded With Cables

Ships: Worked by Mariners or Sailors

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