Prisons: Places Used as House of the King's Scribe
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Jeremiah 37:15
Why the princes were wroth with Jeremiah, and smote him, and put him in prison in the house of Jonathan the scribe: for they had made that the prison.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Memoir of John Bunyan
... In the interpreter's house he is 'led into a ... His robust, hardy frame, used to exposure
in all ... his marriage, while his earliest biographer places this event ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/memoir of john bunyan.htm

An Exposition on the First Ten Chapters of Genesis, and Part of ...
... He bringeth him not to an empty house, but to ... hath been shed, what cruelty hath been
used, and what ... 5:11): Then the wilderness and the solitary places shall be ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/an exposition on the first.htm



Prisons used for Confining: Condemned Persons Till Executed

Prisons used for Confining: Debtors Till They Paid

Prisons used for Confining: Enemies Taken Captive

Prisons used for Confining: Persons Accused of Crimes

Prisons used for Confining: Persons Accused of Heresy

Prisons used for Confining: Persons Under the King's Displeasure

Prisons used for Confining: Suspected Persons

Prisons were Under the Care of a Keeper

Prisons: Antiquity of

Prisons: Bondage to Sin and Satan

Prisons: Confinement In, Considered a Severe Punishment

Prisons: Confinement In, often Awarded As a Punishment

Prisons: Deep Afflictions

Prisons: Dungeons Attached To

Prisons: Hell

Prisons: Keepers of Often Used Severity

Prisons: Keepers of Put to Death If Prisoners Escaped

Prisons: Keepers of Responsible for the Prisoners

Prisons: Keepers of Sometimes Acted Kindly

Prisons: Keepers of Sometimes Entrusted the Care of the Prison To

Prisons: Keepers of Strictly Guarded the Doors

Prisons: Kinds of, Mentioned: Common

Prisons: Kinds of, Mentioned: State

Prisons: Magistrates had Power to Commit To

Prisons: Magistrates had Power to Release From

Prisons: Persons Confined in Clothed in Prison Dress

Prisons: Persons Confined in Fed on Bread and Water

Prisons: Persons Confined in Might Have Their Condition Ameliorated by the King

Prisons: Persons Confined in Often Bound With Fetters

Prisons: Persons Confined in Often Chained to Two Soldiers

Prisons: Persons Confined in Often Executed In

Prisons: Persons Confined in Often Fastened in Stocks

Prisons: Persons Confined in Often Kept to Hard Labour

Prisons: Persons Confined in Often Placed in Dungeons

Prisons: Persons Confined in Often Subjected to Extreme Suffering

Prisons: Persons Confined in Said to be in Hold

Prisons: Persons Confined in Said to be in Ward

Prisons: Persons Confined in Sometimes Allowed to be Visited by Their Friends

Prisons: Places Used as Court of the King's House

Prisons: Places Used as House of the Captain of the Guard

Prisons: Places Used as House of the King's Scribe

Prisons: Places Used as Prisoner's own House, where he Was Kept Bound to a Soldier

Prisons: The King had Power to Commit To

Prisons: The King had Power to Release From

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