Oil was Tithable by the Law
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Deuteronomy 12:17
You may not eat within your gates the tithe of your corn, or of your wine, or of your oil, or the firstborn of your herds or of your flock, nor any of your vows which you vow, nor your freewill offerings, or heave offering of your hand:
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Oil for Domestic Use

Oil Press

Oil Tree

Oil used for Anointing Kings

Oil used for Anointing the Person

Oil used for Anointing the Sick

Oil used for Anointing to offices of Trust

Oil used for Food

Oil used for Idols

Oil used for Lamps

Oil used for the Head

Oil used in God's Worship

Oil used in Idolatrous Worship

Oil was Tithable by the Law

Oil: Canaan Abounded In

Oil: Comes Form the Earth

Oil: Commerce In

Oil: Dealing In, a Trade

Oil: Exported

Oil: Extracted by Presses

Oil: Failure of, a Severe Calamity

Oil: First-Fruits of, Given to God

Oil: Given by God

Oil: Healing

Oil: Illuminating, for Tabernacle

Oil: Jews often Extravagant in the Use of

Oil: Kept in Boxes

Oil: Kept in Cellars

Oil: Kept in Cruises

Oil: Kept in Horns

Oil: Kept in Pots

Oil: Kept in Storehouses

Oil: Kind Reproof

Oil: Kinds of, Mentioned: Myrrh

Oil: Kinds of, Mentioned: Olive

Oil: Miraculous Increase of

Oil: Penetrating

Oil: Petroleum (?)

Oil: Punishment for Profaning

Oil: Sacred

Oil: Smooth

Oil: Soft

Oil: Sold by Measure

Oil: Stores of, Laid up in Fortified Cities

Oil: The Consolation of the Gospel

Oil: The Ointments of the Jews Made of Perfumes Mixed With

Oil: The Poor Employed in Extracted

Oil: The Unction of the Holy Spirit

Oil: Tribute Paid In

Oil: when Fresh Especially Esteemed

Petroleum: Figurative

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