Money: Jews Forbidden to Take Usury For
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Leviticus 25:37
You shall not give him your money on usury, nor lend him your victuals for increase.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Whether it is a Sin to Take Usury for Money Lent?
... Reply to Objection 2: The Jews were forbidden to take usury from their brethren,
ie from other Jews. ... Ps.14:5: "He that hath not put out his money to usury ...
// theologica/whether it is a sin.htm

... no sketch of commerce among the early Jews, however brief ... to charge a fixed discount
for light money, or to ... of the public, agriculturists were forbidden to sell ...
/.../edersheim/sketches of jewish social life/chapter 12 commerce.htm

The Prophet Nehemiah
... God had forbidden them to intermarry with the heathen nations ... The Jews always got
into trouble when they married ... getting such a large amount of money for usury ...
// of the bible/iv the prophet nehemiah.htm

The Canons of the Holy and Altogether August Apostles.
... or deacon, shall obtain possession of that dignity by money, let both ... For the law
has forbidden this ... or layman shall enter into a synagogue of Jews or heretics ...
/.../schaff/the seven ecumenical councils/the canons of the holy 4.htm

Matt. xvi. 28
... these things they trembled more than the Jews of old ... not that even in the old law
this is forbidden? ... For never doth the money-lender enjoy his possessions, nor ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily lvi matt xvi 28.htm

The Ecclesiastical Canons of the Same Holy Apostles.
... If any bishop obtains that dignity by money, or even a ... him be deprived; for this
the law itself has forbidden. ... enters into a synagogue of the Jews or heretics ...
/.../various/constitutions of the holy apostles/the ecclesiastical canons of the.htm

"Thou Shalt Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother. "
... holds the reins, and just what should be forbidden is taught ... and wide; whereby not
only is all money and wealth ... See, these are the three Jews, as men say, who ...
/.../luther/a treatise on good works/thou shalt honor thy father.htm

Book ii.
... among mankind; for no other people but the Jews have avoided ... He that lends money
must not demand usury for its ... of strange gods, it having been forbidden so to ...
// apion/book ii.htm

The Polity Settled by Moses; and How He Disappeared from among ...
The Antiquities of the Jews. ... I should depart out of this life; and since God has
forbidden me to be ... the woman miscarry, [28] let him pay a fine in money, as the ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 8 the polity settled.htm

Summa Theologica
... ON THE WORK OF THE THIRD DAY (TWO ARTICLES). Whether it was fitting that the gathering
together of the waters should take place, as recorded, on the third day? ...
// theologica/




Economics: Household

Economics: Political



Money Changers

Money Changers: General Scriptures Concerning

Money Lending

Money Management

Money of the Jews Regulated by the Standard of Sanctuary

Money of the Romans, Stamped With the Image of Caesar

Money Problems

Money Stewardship

Money was Current With the Merchants

Money was Given for Lands

Money was Given for Merchandise

Money was Given for Slaves

Money was Given for Tribute

Money was Given: As Alms

Money was Given: As offerings

Money was Given: As Wages

Money was Given: Custom of Presenting a Piece of

Money was Given: Love of, the Root of all Evil

Money was Given: Power and Usefulness of

Money: Atonement

Money: Brass Introduced As, by the Romans

Money: Changing of, a Trade

Money: Conscience

Money: Copper Used As

Money: Gold and Silver Used As

Money: Gold Used As

Money: Image On

Money: Jews Forbidden to Take Usury For

Money: Love of, the Root of Evil

Money: Originally Stamped With the Image of a Lamb

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Farthing

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Fourth of a Shekel

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Gerah the Twentieth of a Shekel

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Half Shekel or Bekah

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Mite

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Penny

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Pound

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Shekel of Silver

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Talent of Gold

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Talent of Silver

Money: Pieces of Mentioned: Third of a Shekel

Money: Silver Used As

Money: Sin

Money: Usually Taken by Weight

Money: Value of, Varied Corruptly

Money: Weighed

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