Modern Samaria: Cities of, Mentioned in Scripture: Antipatris
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Acts 23:31
Then the soldiers, as it was commanded them, took Paul, and brought him by night to Antipatris.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


In Judaea
... the sea-shore in the province of Samaria is a ... it may have been added to the cities
of Judaea ... Jewish scruples and difficulties, by which modern Gentile writers ...
/.../edersheim/sketches of jewish social life/chapter 5 in judaea.htm


Ancient Samaria: A Mountainous Country

Ancient Samaria: had Many Cities

Ancient Samaria: Inhabitants of, Carried Captive to Assyria

Ancient Samaria: People of Characterised as Corrupt and Wicked

Ancient Samaria: People of Characterised as Idolatrous

Ancient Samaria: People of Characterised as Proud and Arrogant

Ancient Samaria: Predictions Respecting Its Destruction

Ancient Samaria: Repeopled from Assyria

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Besieged Again by Benhadad

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Besieged and Taken by Shalmaneser

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Besieged by Benhadad

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Built by Omri King of Israel

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Called After Shemer the Owner of the Hill on Which It Was

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Called the Head of Ephraim

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Called the Mountain of Samaria

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Deliverance of, Effected

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Deliverance of, Predicted

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Delivered by Miraculous Means

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Elisha Predicted Plenty In

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Kings of Israel Sometime Took Their Titles From

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Remarkable Plenty In, As Foretold by Elisha

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Suffered Severely from Famine

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of The Burial Place of the Kings of Israel

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of The Pool of Samaria Near To

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of The Prophet Elisha Dwelt In

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of The Residence of the Kings of Israel

Ancient Samaria: Samaria the Capital of Was a Fenced City, and Well Provided With Arms

Ancient Samaria: The Territory of Ephraim and Manasseh Properly So Called

Ancient Samaria: The Whole Kingdom of Israel Sometimes Called

Modern Samaria: Christ After his Resurrection Commanded the Gospel to Be

Modern Samaria: Christ at First Forbade his Disciples to Visit

Modern Samaria: Christ Preached In

Modern Samaria: Cities of, Mentioned in Scripture: Antipatris

Modern Samaria: Cities of, Mentioned in Scripture: Samaria

Modern Samaria: Cities of, Mentioned in Scripture: Sychar

Modern Samaria: had Many Cities

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Abhorred by the Jews

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Boasted Descent from Jacob

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Expected the Messiah

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of had No Intercourse or Dealings With the Jews

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of More Humane and Grateful than the Jews

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Opposed the Jews After Their Return from Captivity

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Professed to Worship God

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Ready to Hear and Embrace the Gospel

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Their Religion Mixed With Idolatry

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Their True Descent

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Were Superstitious

Modern Samaria: Inhabitants of Worshipped on Mount Gerizim

Modern Samaria: Many Christian Churches In

Modern Samaria: Situated Between Judea and Galilee

Modern Samaria: The Gospel First Preached In, by Philip

Modern Samaria: The Persecuted Christians Fled To


Samaria: City of, Built by Omri

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Besieged by Ben-Hadad

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Besieged by Shalmaneser, King of Assyria, for Three Years

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Capitol of the Kingdom of the Ten Tribes

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Idolatry of

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Paul and Barnabas Preach In

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Temple of, Destroyed

Samaria: City of, Built by Omri: Visited by Philip, Peter, and John

Samaria: Country of

Samaria: Country of: Disciples Made from the Inhabitants of

Samaria: Country of: Foreign Colonies Distributed Among the Cities of, by the King of Assyria

Samaria: Country of: Jesus Forbids the Apostles to Preach in the Cities of

Samaria: Country of: Jesus Heals Lepers In

Samaria: Country of: Jesus Travels Through

Samaria: Country of: No Dealings Between the Jews and the Inhabitants of

Samaria: Country of: Roads Through, from Judaea Into Galilee

Samaria: Country of: Samaritans Were Expecting the Messiah

Samaria: Country of: The Good Samaritan From

Samaria: The King of Syria is Led Into, by Elisha, Who Miraculously Blinds Him and his Army

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