Modern Judea: Jerusalem the Capital of
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 4:25
And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judaea, and from beyond Jordan.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Paul's Epistles; his Collection for the Poor Saints at Jerusalem ...
... was only seventeen years of age; and Judea, which was ... by "the principal men" of both
Caesarea and Jerusalem. ... 144:2] "But what," observes a modern writer, "are ...
/.../killen/the ancient church/chapter ix pauls epistles his.htm

The Twelve Minor Prophets.
... gath, a small town of Judea, which, according ... intermingled with his prophecies
concerning Judah and Jerusalem. ... of his birth and residence the modern Alkush, an ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxiii the twelve minor.htm

Book 18 Footnotes
... commonly much more busy in such tumults than those of Judea and Jerusalem, as we ...
and takes away much of that surprise which the modern Protestants have at ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/book 18 footnotes.htm

... that the island here called Melita is the modern Malta, which ... their commission, he
had now led his readers from Jerusalem through Judea, Samaria, the ...
/.../mcgarvey/a commentary on acts of the apostles/acts xxviii.htm

Book 9 Footnotes
... [16] We see here that Judea was left in ... to the fourth monarchy, and the destruction
of Jerusalem by the ... is a groundless mistake of some modern chronologers rely ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/book 9 footnotes.htm

The Sun Rising Upon a Dark World
... and at the greatest distance from the capital, Jerusalem, on these ... They, as well
as the people of Judea, were under ... who were, if I may use a modern phrase, the ...
// vol 1/sermon viii the sun rising.htm

Some Associated Questions
... because he does not confirm the modern scholar's hasty ... even between AD.6 and 41,
when Judea was part of ... stationed both at Caesarea and at Jerusalem, an Italic ...
/.../ramsay/was christ born in bethlehem/chapter 12 some associated questions.htm

Closing Hours.
... what still arrests the view of the modern traveller, in ... the afternoon, on His return
from Jerusalem, when seated ... risen indeed,""on no home in Judea would the ...
// of bethany/xx closing hours.htm

One Argument which Has Been Much Relied Upon but not More than Its ...
... A modern example may illustrate the use we make ... false notions concerning the state
of Judea between the ... Jesus and the destruction of Jerusalem." (Lardner, part ...
/.../paley/evidences of christianity/chapter vi one argument which.htm

Palestine under Pagan Kings.
... to complete the desolation of Judah and Jerusalem. ... years after, Nebuzaradan again
entered Judea, and gleaned a ... inhabitants of Assyria, in modern history, are ...
/.../headley/half hours in bible lands volume 2/palestine under pagan kings.htm



Judea: (The Southern Division of Palestine): The Term Applies to all of Palestine In

Judea: It Applies to the Territory East of the Jordan River In

Judea: It Extended from the Jordan River and the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Sea

Judea: Wilderness of Assigned to Benjamin

Judea: Wilderness of Called Beth-Arabah

Judea: Wilderness of John the Baptist Preaches In

Modern Judea: A Mountainous District

Modern Judea: Called: Jewry

Modern Judea: Called: The Land of Judah

Modern Judea: Comprised the Whole of the Ancient Kingdom of Judah

Modern Judea: Jerusalem the Capital of

Modern Judea: John the Baptist Preached In

Modern Judea: One of the Divisions of the Holy Land Under the Romans

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Born In

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Frequently Visited

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Often Left, to Escape Persecution

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Tempted in the Wilderness of

Modern Judea: Parts of, Desert

Modern Judea: Several Christian Churches In

Modern Judea: Towns of Arimathea

Modern Judea: Towns of Azotus or Ashdod

Modern Judea: Towns of Bethany

Modern Judea: Towns of Bethlehem

Modern Judea: Towns of Bethphage

Modern Judea: Towns of Emmaus

Modern Judea: Towns of Ephraim

Modern Judea: Towns of Gaza

Modern Judea: Towns of Jericho

Modern Judea: Towns of Joppa

Modern Judea: Towns of Lydda

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