Modern Judea: Called: The Land of Judah
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 2:6
And you Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, are not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of you shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Twelve Minor Prophets.
... place of his birth and residence the modern Alkush, an ... his prophecy is, first, the
overthrow of Judea by the ... as being less known, and he is called simply the ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxiii the twelve minor.htm

The Quotation in Matt. Ii. 6.
... 3, the Messiah is expressly called Israel. ... the intention of settling in Judea, but
received ... satisfactorily explained by ancient and modern interpreters (compare ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/the quotation in matt ii.htm

The Hebrew Prophecies.
... it is possible, the providential causes which called it forth ... not seem to me to be
invalidated by modern criticism ... time we have named, the King of Judea was Joash ...
/.../gladden/who wrote the bible/chapter v the hebrew prophecies.htm

The Sun Rising Upon a Dark World
... Particularly this part of the land, called Galilee of the Gentiles ... They, as well
as the people of Judea, were under ... who were, if I may use a modern phrase, the ...
// vol 1/sermon viii the sun rising.htm

The Prophet Joel.
... formidable, and the last by which Judea shall be ... Modern interpreters"and especially
Credner"take refuge in another ... not for that reason be called a [Hebrew ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/the prophet joel.htm

Palestine under Pagan Kings.
... years after, Nebuzaradan again entered Judea, and gleaned ... came forth when the king
called them; and ... The original inhabitants of Assyria, in modern history, are ...
/.../headley/half hours in bible lands volume 2/palestine under pagan kings.htm

Sennacherib (705-681 BC )
... one of the richest mineral districts of modern Algeria ... 023.jpg MAP OF THE CAMPAIGN
OF SENNACHERIB IN JUDEA]. ... if a multitude of shepherds be called forth against ...
/.../chapter isennacherib 705-681 b c.htm

The First Apology of Justin, the Martyr
... of the Jews, after whom they are called Jews; and ... over the Jews and gained control
of their whole land. ... for him who was crucified in Judea, immediately after ...
/.../richardson/early christian fathers/the first apology of justin.htm

The Prophet Micah.
... times, and under different kings." In modern times, however ... which, in other passages,
is called the house ... the time of Sennacherib's invasion of Judea, in which ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/the prophet micah.htm

The Note of Accusation.
... went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all ... together, lies the whole reason
of our modern tenderness in ... "Woe is me," said the prophet, called to witness ...
/.../jackson/the message and the man/chapter i the note of.htm



Judea: (The Southern Division of Palestine): The Term Applies to all of Palestine In

Judea: It Applies to the Territory East of the Jordan River In

Judea: It Extended from the Jordan River and the Dead Sea to the Mediterranean Sea

Judea: Wilderness of Assigned to Benjamin

Judea: Wilderness of Called Beth-Arabah

Judea: Wilderness of John the Baptist Preaches In

Modern Judea: A Mountainous District

Modern Judea: Called: Jewry

Modern Judea: Called: The Land of Judah

Modern Judea: Comprised the Whole of the Ancient Kingdom of Judah

Modern Judea: Jerusalem the Capital of

Modern Judea: John the Baptist Preached In

Modern Judea: One of the Divisions of the Holy Land Under the Romans

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Born In

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Frequently Visited

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Often Left, to Escape Persecution

Modern Judea: Our Lord: Tempted in the Wilderness of

Modern Judea: Parts of, Desert

Modern Judea: Several Christian Churches In

Modern Judea: Towns of Arimathea

Modern Judea: Towns of Azotus or Ashdod

Modern Judea: Towns of Bethany

Modern Judea: Towns of Bethlehem

Modern Judea: Towns of Bethphage

Modern Judea: Towns of Emmaus

Modern Judea: Towns of Ephraim

Modern Judea: Towns of Gaza

Modern Judea: Towns of Jericho

Modern Judea: Towns of Joppa

Modern Judea: Towns of Lydda

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