Metals: Comparative Value of
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 60:17
For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stones iron: I will also make your officers peace, and your exactors righteousness.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Daniel 2:32-45
This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Desire of all Nations
... This comparative feebleness had been proved by the idolatry ... desirable things of manhood
are not metals"dirt, mere ... than gems, far richer in value than rarest ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 61 1915/the desire of all nations.htm

Chaldaean Civilization
... of functionaries and workmen: administrators of corn, cattle, precious metals, wine
and ... of cattle, gold, corn, a female slave, and vessels of value; for others ...
/.../chapter iiichaldaean civilization.htm

The First Theban Empire
... they must have lingered on in comparative idleness; for ... of small size but of great
value, such as ... found in combination with several other metals, from which ...
/.../chapter iiithe first theban empire.htm

The Temples and the Gods of Chaldaea
... silver coin may be of any value, but none ... of rendering malleable and of fashioning
the metals. ... companions had been reduced to comparative insignificance, she ...
/.../chapter iithe temples and the.htm

The Nile and Egypt
... Metals were introduced into Egypt in very ancient times, since the class of blacksmiths
is associated with ... Life was passed in comparative ease and pleasure. ...
/.../chapter i the nile and egypt.htm

Syria at the Beginning of the Egyptian Conquest
History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, V 4. <. ...
/.../chapter iisyria at the beginning.htm

Solomon's Temple Spiritualized
... The foundations of the wall of the city,' but it has respect to the matter in hand;
for that which is before called a temple, for its comparative smallness, is ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/solomons temple spiritualized.htm

the Legendary History of Egypt
... The sun-god lent himself to this process with comparative ease because his life
is more like a man's life, and hence also more like that of Osiris, which is ...
/.../chapter iii -the legendary history of.htm

part i
... towards God. Even men do not much value the services which we render to
them coldly, out of habit. And God requires our hearts. "My ...
// life in christ/part i.htm



Metals: An Extensive Commerce In

Metals: Antiquity of the Art of Working In

Metals: Brass

Metals: Cast in Mould

Metals: Ceremonially Cleansed by Fire

Metals: Clay of Jordan Used for Moulding

Metals: Comparative Value of

Metals: Copper

Metals: Dug out of the Earth

Metals: Freed from Dross by Fire

Metals: Gold

Metals: Iron

Metals: Lead

Metals: Often Mixed With Dross

Metals: Silver

Metals: The Holy Land Abounded In

Metals: Tin

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