Masters: Good: Centurion
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Luke 7:2,3
And a certain centurion's servant, who was dear to him, was sick, and ready to die.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Fifth Commandment
... his servant when he was sick; but be as the good centurion, who kept ... Thus should
masters carry themselves prudently and piously, that they may gain honour from ...
/.../watson/the ten commandments/2 5 the fifth commandment.htm

The Way to Honor
... So according to Solomon, good servants obtained honor as ... better relations between
servants and masters than unhappily ... Testament we read of the centurion who so ...
// on proverbs/the way to honor.htm

The Great Duty of Family Religion
... spirit of Job, Joshua, and the Gentile centurion, they would ... for although God, is
in his good providence, may ... but pronounce a woe against those masters by whom ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/the great duty of family.htm

The Crucifixion.
... "Fear not, good women," said ... Jews were exceedingly wroth and raged amongst themselves
at the centurion. ... pierced left hand of Jesus saying, "O, best of Masters! ...
// of the jews/chapter ix the crucifixion.htm

In Rome
... At Rome the centurion Julius delivered up his ... The apostle reminded Philemon that
every good purpose and ... well knew the severity which masters exercised toward ...
// acts of the apostles/lesson 43 in rome.htm

John iv. 40-43
... an one, she easily masters it; or if she masters it not ... For one said, "Can there
any good thing come out of ... be the reason why in the case of the centurion He by ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homily xxxv john iv 40-43.htm

Of the First Covenant Made with Man
... make his will and affections wonderfully good "God made ... awe and obedience as the
centurion his servants ... violence of unruly subjects usurping over their masters. ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/lecture xxi of the first.htm

Letter clxxxix. (AD 418. )
... of that time; among them was also that centurion who said ... by you, for, as it is written,
"Every good gift and ... whom his own invitation had made masters of North ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter clxxxix a d 418.htm

Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.
... eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." She ... leave it alone, as if
it were too good for him ... the Gospel by Luke we read of the centurion who had ...
/...// grace/chapter iv grace abounding to.htm

Its Effects.
... may be poor political economy, but it is good spiritual economy ... masters will treat
their servants as they (the masters) would wish ... to a centurion." Acts 27:1. ...
/.../macneil/the spirit-filled life/chapter xv its effects.htm



Masters: Authority of, Established

Masters: Bad: Amalekite

Masters: Bad: Egyptians

Masters: Bad: Nabal

Masters: Benevolent, Blessed

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Defraud Them

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Keep Back Their Wages

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: Not to Rule Over Them With Rigour

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Act Justly

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Deal With Them in the Fear of God

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Esteem Them Highly, If Saints

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Forbear Threatening Them

Masters: Duty of, Toward Servants: To Take Care of Them in Sickness

Masters: Good: Abraham

Masters: Good: Centurion

Masters: Good: Cornelius

Masters: Good: Jacob

Masters: Good: Joshua

Masters: should Receive Faithful Advice from Servants

Masters: should Select Faithful Servants

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Fear God

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Observe the Sabbath

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Put Away Idols

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Serve God

Masters: Should, With Their Households: Worship God

Masters: Unjust, Denounced

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