Magistrates are not a Terror to the Good, But to the Evil
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Romans 13:3
For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Will you then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and you shall have praise of the same:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Human Government.
... For rulers are not a terror to good works but ... Wherefore ye must needs be subject,
not only for wrath ... to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xx human government.htm

Letter cclxxxix. Without Address. Concerning an Afflicted Woman.
... has long ago been declared by the Apostle, that the magistrates should be a terror
to them in their evil-doings; for, it is said, "he beareth not the sword ...
/.../basil letters and select works/letter cclxxxix without address concerning.htm

Of Civil Government.
... ordained of God;" that rulers are the ministers of God, "not a terror to good ... others
of governors, as Joseph and Daniel; others of civil magistrates among a ...
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 20 of civil government.htm

Coming Judgment of the Secrets of Men
... from day to day, like that of our local magistrates; but this does ... If ye turn not,
he will ... The gospel is all tenderness to the repenting, but all terror to the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 31 1885/coming judgment of the secrets.htm

"Thou Shalt Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother. "
... the sword in vain; it serves God with it, to the terror of evil ... do wrong against
God or men; as in former days when the magistrates were not yet Christians ...
/.../luther/a treatise on good works/thou shalt honor thy father.htm

This HomilyIs Intended to Shew that the Fear of Magistrates is ...
... so were you to deprive the world of magistrates, and of ... He would not have given us
over to terror during so ... He wished not to preach of an overthrow; and God ...
/.../chrysostom/on the priesthood/homily vi this homily is.htm

"Who Will Rise up with Me against the Wicked?"
... this, and not human laws; and it is the work of Ministers, not of Magistrates;
therefore, the ... of God;" and that he is designed of God "to be a terror to evil ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 52 who will rise.htm

The Stage as it was Once.
... of all are the dignitaries of the republic"the priests, the magistrates, and the ...
Not so. But rather out of terror and agony, and all but utter ruin"and out ...
/.../kingsley/lectures delivered in america in 1874/lecture ii the stage as.htm

... shall not be afraid of their terror, neither be ... existed, proves that men will not,
cannot be ... right to others, called legislators, magistrates, judges, sheriffs ...
// book of religions/non-resistants.htm

Treatise v. An Address to Demetrianus.
... So great a terror of destruction cannot give the ... place, in the hearing of your
magistrates and governors ... see that the same adverse things are not borne equally ...
/.../cyprian/the treatises of cyprian/treatise v an address to.htm



Magistrates are Appointed by God

Magistrates are Ministers of God

Magistrates are not a Terror to the Good, But to the Evil

Magistrates: Good: Daniel

Magistrates: Good: Gideon

Magistrates: Good: Job

Magistrates: Good: Joseph

Magistrates: Good: Nehemiah

Magistrates: Good: Samuel

Magistrates: Purpose of Their Appointment

Magistrates: should be Diligent in Ruling

Magistrates: should be Faithful to the Sovereign

Magistrates: should be Impartial

Magistrates: should Defend the Poor

Magistrates: should Enforce the Laws

Magistrates: should Hate Covetousness

Magistrates: should Judge for God, not for Man

Magistrates: should Judge Righteously

Magistrates: should Judge Wisely

Magistrates: should Know the Law of God

Magistrates: should not Take Bribes

Magistrates: should Rule in the Fear of God

Magistrates: should Seek Wisdom from God

Magistrates: should Subjection to Their Authority Enjoined

Magistrates: Their office to be Respected

Magistrates: To be Prayed For

Magistrates: To be Wisely Selected and Appointed

Magistrates: Wicked: Felix

Magistrates: Wicked: Gallio

Magistrates: Wicked: Magistrates in Philippi

Magistrates: Wicked: Pilate

Magistrates: Wicked: Sons of Samuel

Magistrates: Wicked-Illustrated

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