Magistrates: Good: Samuel
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1 Samuel 12:3,4
Behold, here I am: witness against me before the LORD, and before his anointed: whose ox have I taken? or whose ass have I taken? or whom have I defrauded? whom have I oppressed? or of whose hand have I received any bribe to blind my eyes therewith? and I will restore it you.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezra 10:1-9
Now when Ezra had prayed, and when he had confessed, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, there assembled to him out of Israel a very great congregation of men and women and children: for the people wept very sore.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Life of Mr. Samuel Rutherford.
... Mr. Samuel Rutherford a gentleman by extraction, having ... of Guthrie's faction upbraided
this good man for ... learned Dematius anno 1651, the magistrates of Utrecht ...
/.../howie/biographia scoticana scots worthies/the life of mr samuel.htm

An Appreciation of John Wesley's Journal
... threatened to disturb the early married life of Samuel Wesley and ... Whatever I am,"
said the good old man ... the judges, and the harshness of the magistrates, to the ...
/.../wesley/the journal of john wesley/an appreciation of john wesleys.htm

A Plain Description of the Essence and Attributes of God, Out of ...
... Eli, "It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good," 1 Samuel 3:18. ... Improperly,
when it is given either figuratively to magistrates, or falsely to idols. ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/a plain description of the.htm

The Westminster Standards in America.
... [1565] It is the duty of civil magistrates to protect the person and good name of
all their people, in such an effectual manner as that no person be suffered ...
/.../ 98 the westminster standards.htm

Christ's Sermon on the Mount in Manner and Contents it So ...
... Kings, [3948] Hannah the mother of Samuel gives glory ... He hath anointed me to preach
good tidings unto ... the Gentiles, whether servants or magistrates." [3979] Now ...
/.../tertullian/the five books against marcion/chapter xiv christs sermon on the.htm

The Sixt Part.
... unto which, zeale is answerable in Magistrates, causing them ... of the Law, of Faith,
Love and good Workes: now ... To Kindle The Holy Fire of Zeale, by Samuel Ward. ...
/.../ward/a coal from the altar to kindle the holy fire of zeale/the sixt part.htm

The Way of Life and the Way of Death.
... rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth ... which is just is reserved to the
magistrates alone ... that leads to idolatry; [3402] for says Samuel, "Divination is ...
/.../various/constitutions of the holy apostles/sec i on the two ways.htm

The Law of God
... 1 Samuel 15:22 ... understood; but likewise the expiation and promised good things were ...
moral and ceremonial law, such as concerned magistrates, contracts, division ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/disputation 12 the law of.htm

The Fifth Commandment
... especially the king, who is the head of magistrates, is a ... to me, for he shall surely
die.' 1 Samuel 20:31 ... Jonathan could not do this with a good conscience; but ...
/.../watson/the ten commandments/2 5 the fifth commandment.htm

Articles of Religion.
... Book of Samuel, The Second Book of Samuel, The First ... and keeping clean of
Churches.4. Of Good Works; first ... Of the Power of the Civil Magistrates."The power ...
// book of religions/articles of religion.htm



Magistrates are Appointed by God

Magistrates are Ministers of God

Magistrates are not a Terror to the Good, But to the Evil

Magistrates: Good: Daniel

Magistrates: Good: Gideon

Magistrates: Good: Job

Magistrates: Good: Joseph

Magistrates: Good: Nehemiah

Magistrates: Good: Samuel

Magistrates: Purpose of Their Appointment

Magistrates: should be Diligent in Ruling

Magistrates: should be Faithful to the Sovereign

Magistrates: should be Impartial

Magistrates: should Defend the Poor

Magistrates: should Enforce the Laws

Magistrates: should Hate Covetousness

Magistrates: should Judge for God, not for Man

Magistrates: should Judge Righteously

Magistrates: should Judge Wisely

Magistrates: should Know the Law of God

Magistrates: should not Take Bribes

Magistrates: should Rule in the Fear of God

Magistrates: should Seek Wisdom from God

Magistrates: should Subjection to Their Authority Enjoined

Magistrates: Their office to be Respected

Magistrates: To be Prayed For

Magistrates: To be Wisely Selected and Appointed

Magistrates: Wicked: Felix

Magistrates: Wicked: Gallio

Magistrates: Wicked: Magistrates in Philippi

Magistrates: Wicked: Pilate

Magistrates: Wicked: Sons of Samuel

Magistrates: Wicked-Illustrated

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