Magistrates: Good: Nehemiah
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Nehemiah 3:15
But the gate of the fountain repaired Shallun the son of Colhozeh, the ruler of part of Mizpah; he built it, and covered it, and set up the doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars thereof, and the wall of the pool of Siloah by the king's garden, and to the stairs that go down from the city of David.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Ezra, the Priest and Scribe
... well-beloved Jewish friends, Ezra and Nehemiah, he recognized ... in thine hand," he
directed, "set magistrates and judges ... Thus, "according to the good hand of his ...
/.../white/the story of prophets and kings/chapter 50 ezra the priest.htm

The Sixt Part.
... thine, had (as their name imports) good civill justice ... wormes of justice, which eat
up zeale in Magistrates. ... unfit, and base a quality did Nehemiah thinke it ...
/.../ward/a coal from the altar to kindle the holy fire of zeale/the sixt part.htm

The Confession of the Waldenses. AD 1655.
... 2 of the Chronicles, one of Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job ... according to the rules of
a good and holy ... That God hath established kings and magistrates to govern the ...
/.../the confession of the waldenses.htm

Ten Reasons Demonstrating the Commandment of the Sabbath to be ...
... 20:19, 20, 21, 24; xxiii.38; Nehemiah 9:4.) "It ... is the mother of all religion and
good discipline in ... So that all magistrates and householders were commanded to ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/ten reasons demonstrating the commandment.htm

Scriptures Showing the Sin and Danger of Joining with Wicked and ...
... the wheel over them." O that our magistrates were so ... to hurt himself and others,
so wicked men's good speeches and ... Jezebel, 1 Kings 21:10, so in Nehemiah 6:12. ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/section v scriptures showing the.htm

The Fifth Commandment
... so especially the king, who is the head of magistrates, is a ... they let the world see
what a good God they ... is exalted above all blessing and praise.' Nehemiah 9:5 ...
/.../watson/the ten commandments/2 5 the fifth commandment.htm

The Westminster Confession of Faith. AD 1647.
... Nehemiah. ... all things necessary for his own glory, man's salvation, faith, and life,
is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary ...
/.../the westminster confession of faith.htm

Man's Chief End
... Nehemiah vindicates God's righteousness; chap 9:93 ... do service in the vineyard, he
loses his pay; so, if you do not good in your ... 1.) Let me speak to magistrates. ...
// body of divinity/1 mans chief end.htm

The First Commandment
... the Lord with their faces to the ground.' Nehemiah 8:6 ... not give to another.' Isaiah
42:8. Magistrates may have ... A good Christian believes, that if God feeds the ...
/.../watson/the ten commandments/2 1 the first commandment.htm

On the Article, and in one Holy Ghost, the Comforter, which Spake ...
... And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and the magistrates, and authorities ...
And Thy good Spirit, says David, shall lead me in the land ... [2070] Nehemiah 9:20 ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/lecture xvi on the article.htm



Magistrates are Appointed by God

Magistrates are Ministers of God

Magistrates are not a Terror to the Good, But to the Evil

Magistrates: Good: Daniel

Magistrates: Good: Gideon

Magistrates: Good: Job

Magistrates: Good: Joseph

Magistrates: Good: Nehemiah

Magistrates: Good: Samuel

Magistrates: Purpose of Their Appointment

Magistrates: should be Diligent in Ruling

Magistrates: should be Faithful to the Sovereign

Magistrates: should be Impartial

Magistrates: should Defend the Poor

Magistrates: should Enforce the Laws

Magistrates: should Hate Covetousness

Magistrates: should Judge for God, not for Man

Magistrates: should Judge Righteously

Magistrates: should Judge Wisely

Magistrates: should Know the Law of God

Magistrates: should not Take Bribes

Magistrates: should Rule in the Fear of God

Magistrates: should Seek Wisdom from God

Magistrates: should Subjection to Their Authority Enjoined

Magistrates: Their office to be Respected

Magistrates: To be Prayed For

Magistrates: To be Wisely Selected and Appointed

Magistrates: Wicked: Felix

Magistrates: Wicked: Gallio

Magistrates: Wicked: Magistrates in Philippi

Magistrates: Wicked: Pilate

Magistrates: Wicked: Sons of Samuel

Magistrates: Wicked-Illustrated

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