Holiness: Christ: An Example of
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Hebrews 7:26
For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens;
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Peter 2:21,22
For even hereunto were you called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow his steps:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Twenty-Second Day. In Christ Our Sanctification.
... Christ is not only our Example and our Ideal ... But Christ is the Living Saviour, with
a heart that beats ... of His we have the guarantee that His Holiness will enter ...
/.../murray/holy in christ/twenty-second day in christ our.htm

Of the Example of the Holy Fathers
... endure; and all others who would walk in the footsteps of Christ. ... To all religious
men they were given as an example, and they ought ... what rivalry in holiness! ...
/.../kempis/imitation of christ/chapter xviii of the example.htm

Seventh Day. Holiness and Obedience.
... He suffered.' 'I come to do Thy will.' 'In which will we are sanctified.' Christ's
example teaches us that obedience is the only path to the Holiness or the ...
/.../murray/holy in christ/seventh day holiness and obedience.htm

First Day. God's Call to Holiness.
... blasphemy, until we listen again, 'He hath chosen us in Christ to be holy.' In Christ
the Holiness of God appeared in a human life: in Christ's example, in His ...
//christianbookshelf.org/murray/holy in christ/first day gods call to.htm

Christ Condemning Sin
... supplies the adequate motive to copy His example, and they ... law into an inward 'spirit
of life in Christ Jesus ... power according to the Spirit of holiness'; and we ...
/.../maclaren/romans corinthians to ii corinthians chap v/christ condemning sin.htm

Thoughts Upon the Imitation of Christ.
... complete Pattern of true and universal Holiness, and hath ... the Friends and Disciples
of Jesus Christ, desire to ... following both his Precepts and Example, I shall ...
/.../private thoughts upon a christian life/thoughts upon the imitation of.htm

Twenty-Ninth Day. Holiness and Chastisement.
... His sufferings were indeed to Him the pathway to perfection and holiness. What Christ
was and won was all for us ... In the light of His example we can see, in the ...
/.../murray/holy in christ/twenty-ninth day holiness and chastisement.htm

The Father Seen in Christ.
... can give them any real and present assistance in their efforts after holiness. ... we
can for ourselves of the truth taught by Christ and of the example He set ...
/.../dods/the expositors bible the gospel of st john vol ii/x the father seen in.htm

... the works of the law, yet unless the righteousness and holiness by which ... way to eternal
life is, first of all, to take Christ for our example, treading his ...
//christianbookshelf.org/bunyan/the riches of bunyan/vii christ.htm

Christ and Man in the Atonement
... race, there is no consequence in which sin has involved it, to which the holiness
and love ... The idea of fellowship with Christ, for example, is constantly ...
/.../denney/the atonement and the modern mind/chapter iii christ and man.htm



Holiness Holy

Holiness is the Result of God's Keeping

Holiness is the Result of Subjection to God

Holiness is the Result of The Manifestation of God's Grace

Holiness is the Result of Union With Christ

Holiness of God

Holiness: Becoming to the Church

Holiness: Behaviour of Aged Women should be As Becomes

Holiness: Chastisements are Intended to Produce, in Saints

Holiness: Christ: An Example of

Holiness: Christ: Desires for his People

Holiness: Christ: Effects, in his People

Holiness: Commanded

Holiness: David

Holiness: General Scriptures Concerning

Holiness: Israel

Holiness: John the Baptist

Holiness: Ministers should Avoid Everything Inconsistent With

Holiness: Ministers should be Examples of

Holiness: Ministers should Exhort To

Holiness: Ministers should Possess

Holiness: Motives to The Dissolution of all Things

Holiness: Motives to The Glory of God

Holiness: Motives to The Love of Christ

Holiness: Motives to The Mercies of God

Holiness: Necessary to God's Worship

Holiness: None Shall See God Without

Holiness: Paul

Holiness: Promise to Women Who Continue In

Holiness: Promised to the Church

Holiness: Prophets

Holiness: Required in Prayer

Holiness: Saints: Called To

Holiness: Saints: Elected To

Holiness: Saints: Have Their Fruit To

Holiness: Saints: New Created In

Holiness: Saints: Possess

Holiness: Saints: Shall be Presented to God In

Holiness: Saints: Shall Continue In, for Ever

Holiness: Saints: should Continue In

Holiness: Saints: should Follow After

Holiness: Saints: should Have Their Conversation In

Holiness: Saints: should Present Their Bodies to God In

Holiness: Saints: should Seek Perfection In

Holiness: Saints: should Serve God In

Holiness: Saints: should Yield Their Members As Instruments of

Holiness: should Lead to Separation from the Wicked

Holiness: The Character of Christ, the Standard of

Holiness: The Character of God, the Standard of

Holiness: The Church is the Beauty of

Holiness: The Gospel the Way of

Holiness: The Wicked are Without

Holiness: The Word of God the Means of Producing

Holiness: Wives of Patriarchs

The Holiness of God is Incomparable

The Holiness of God is Pledged for the Fulfilment of His Judgments

The Holiness of God is Pledged for the Fulfilment of His Promises

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Character

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Kingdom

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Name

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Words

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Works

The Holiness of God: Heavenly Hosts Adore

The Holiness of God: Requires Holy Service

The Holiness of God: Saints are Commanded to Imitate

The Holiness of God: Saints should Praise

The Holiness of God: should be Magnified

The Holiness of God: should Produce Reverential Fear

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