Fools: Trust to Their own Hearts
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Proverbs 28:26
He that trusts in his own heart is a fool: but whoever walks wisely, he shall be delivered.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Thoughts Upon Worldly Riches. Sect. I.
... and the Certainty of its Principles to trust to; such a ... How many such Fools have
we amongst us, who ... can find no time to look into their own Hearts, to consider ...
/.../private thoughts upon a christian life/thoughts upon worldly riches sect.htm

"But if Ye have Bitter Envying and Strife in Your Hearts, Glory ...
... such strife about places of power and trust, if we ... but anger rests in the bosoms
of fools, it cannot ... of offence, giving to every one their own due, honouring ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon iv but if ye.htm

Thankfulness for Mercies Received, a Necessary Duty
... you have expressed for the welfare of their better parts ... with each other in spirit;
and God, I trust, will enable ... to be ready to be accounted fools for Christ's ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/thankfulness for mercies received a.htm

Three Names High on the Muster-Roll
... They are fools." Yes, but the Son of God did not think ... From the glowing coals their
voices call aloud to us, "Be ... Come and trust Jesus Christ, and you are saved ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/three names high on the.htm

Election and Holiness
... passed by and beggars chosen; wise men left, but fools made to ... feast of mercy; while
proud Pharisees are suffered to trust in their own righteousness and ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 6 1860/election and holiness.htm

... man; that Ezekiel was such a man; that their writings shew ... wish to be confounded
for ever, must trust in God ... judgments." And then the laughter of fools will end ...
// sermons/sermon vii confusion.htm

The Good Shepherd
... good for the bad, the wise one for the fools, the pure ... plans which they have conceived:
I have inspired their good desires ... We trust that we are Christ's sheep. ...
/.../kingsley/the good news of god/sermon xxvii the good shepherd.htm

Two Ancient Proverbs
... mean to fling away your immortal soul in order to escape the laughter of fools? ... our
own works there is a danger that men may so trust in their own works as ...
// on proverbs/two ancient proverbs.htm

One Antidote for Many Ills
... I trust, in some degree, that you all do but ... those who fancy all goes well in their
hearts ofttimes little ... Dost thou account us fools that we should cry over ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/one antidote for many ills.htm

Third Sunday after Trinity Humility, Trust, Watchfulness ...
... that all the world, in comparison, are geese and fools. ... defend them if they would
but trust and obey ... have lamented, in the light of their own experience, that ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/third sunday after trinity humility.htm



Fools: All Men Are, Without the Knowledge of God

Fools: Are: A Grief to Parents

Fools: Are: Angry

Fools: Are: Contentious

Fools: Are: Corrupt and Abominable

Fools: Are: Full of Words

Fools: Are: Given to Meddling

Fools: Are: Liars

Fools: Are: Mere Professors of Religion

Fools: Are: Self-Confident

Fools: Are: Self-Deceivers

Fools: Are: Self-Sufficient

Fools: Are: Slanderers

Fools: Are: Slothful

Fools: Avoid Them

Fools: Blaspheme God

Fools: Cling to Their Folly

Fools: Come to Shame

Fools: Delight not in Understanding

Fools: Deny God

Fools: Depend Upon Their Wealth

Fools: Despise Instruction

Fools: Destroy Themselves by Their Speech

Fools: Exhorted to Seek Wisdom

Fools: God Has No Pleasure In

Fools: Hate Knowledge

Fools: Hate to Depart from Evil

Fools: Hear the Gospel and Obey It Not

Fools: Honor is Unbecoming For

Fools: Israel

Fools: Lips of, a Snare to the Soul

Fools: Make a Mock at Sin

Fools: Pharisees

Fools: Punishment of

Fools: Rehoboam

Fools: Reproach God

Fools: Shall not Stand in the Presence of God

Fools: Sport Themselves in Mischief

Fools: The Company of, Ruinous

Fools: The Mouth of, Pours out Folly

Fools: Trust to Their own Hearts

Fools: Walk in Darkness

Fools: Worship Idols

Fools: Worship of, Hateful to God

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