Fools: Sport Themselves in Mischief
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Proverbs 10:23
It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding has wisdom.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Against Foolish Talking and Jesting.
... further telleth us) the property of fools to delight ... great harm; to disoblige men
in sport; to lose ... becoming objects of scorn; not only themselves are vilified ...
/.../against foolish talking and jesting.htm

Of Atheistical Discourse.
... defense, for fear of being thought fools, yet that ... from which to fetch matter of
sport and merriment. ... However, if they will not yield themselves Homagers, yet ...
/.../allestree/the government of the tongue/section iii of atheistical discourse.htm

The Declensions of Christianity, an Argument of Its Truth.
... and hope of man, hath become the sport of stupid ... way of peace by the derision of
fools, till taught ... death with fortitude; but few think themselves honored by ...
/.../lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon iv the declensions of.htm

Scriptures Showing the Sin and Danger of Joining with Wicked and ...
... They themselves are beguiled by it in opinion, and practice, and ... also beguile others,
ver.8. Sin makes fools agree: but ... For it is a sport to them to do mischief ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/section v scriptures showing the.htm

1 Cor. Iv. 6
... that you should be wise, but we fools in the ... are present at these things, having
divested themselves of all ... part will ensue, at his having made sport of them ...
/.../homilies on the epistles of paul to the corinthians/homily xii 1 cor iv.htm

Soul Winning
... wise for himself, though vainglorious wiseacres may dub them fools. ... with a sport
that had no sport in it ... let me preach, but do not preach themselves; who take ...
// on proverbs/soul winning.htm

Of Evil-Speaking in General.
... obscure graves ([Greek]), blind guides; fools and blind ... meekness instruct those that
oppose themselves," doth no ... we speak ill, for our divertisement or sport. ...
/.../barrow/sermons on evil-speaking by isaac barrow/of evil-speaking in general.htm

Against Rash and Vain Swearing.
... be alleged; and that witnesses should apprehend themselves greatly obliged ... both in
earnest and in sport, being often ... for He hath no pleasure in fools: pay that ...
/.../sermons on evil-speaking by isaac barrow/against rash and vain swearing.htm

V. ...
... word of God; but now ye have become fools, and are ... good works shall afterwards take
care of themselves, so that ... is not such a trifling matter of sport that one ...
/.../the epistles of st peter and st jude preached and explained/chapter ii v 2.htm

The Life and Death of Mr. Badman,
... gain thereby, and when they meet with fools they overcome ... evil to their neighbour,
or to themselves, they contemn ... by calling for him to make them sport by his ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the life and death of.htm



Fools: All Men Are, Without the Knowledge of God

Fools: Are: A Grief to Parents

Fools: Are: Angry

Fools: Are: Contentious

Fools: Are: Corrupt and Abominable

Fools: Are: Full of Words

Fools: Are: Given to Meddling

Fools: Are: Liars

Fools: Are: Mere Professors of Religion

Fools: Are: Self-Confident

Fools: Are: Self-Deceivers

Fools: Are: Self-Sufficient

Fools: Are: Slanderers

Fools: Are: Slothful

Fools: Avoid Them

Fools: Blaspheme God

Fools: Cling to Their Folly

Fools: Come to Shame

Fools: Delight not in Understanding

Fools: Deny God

Fools: Depend Upon Their Wealth

Fools: Despise Instruction

Fools: Destroy Themselves by Their Speech

Fools: Exhorted to Seek Wisdom

Fools: God Has No Pleasure In

Fools: Hate Knowledge

Fools: Hate to Depart from Evil

Fools: Hear the Gospel and Obey It Not

Fools: Honor is Unbecoming For

Fools: Israel

Fools: Lips of, a Snare to the Soul

Fools: Make a Mock at Sin

Fools: Pharisees

Fools: Punishment of

Fools: Rehoboam

Fools: Reproach God

Fools: Shall not Stand in the Presence of God

Fools: Sport Themselves in Mischief

Fools: The Company of, Ruinous

Fools: The Mouth of, Pours out Folly

Fools: Trust to Their own Hearts

Fools: Walk in Darkness

Fools: Worship Idols

Fools: Worship of, Hateful to God

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