Fools: Avoid Them
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Proverbs 9:6
Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Proverbs 14:7
Go from the presence of a foolish man, when you perceive not in him the lips of knowledge.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Christ the Only Rest for the Weary and Heavy-Laden
... against the disciple of Christ, and esteemest them madmen, fools, schismatics, and ...
open to his wrath and indignation, and would willingly avoid them; who hate ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/christ the only rest for.htm

Under King John
... to fear ever, lest when one cannot avoid them, one should ... applauded and some wept,
and he told them how worthily ... shoulder to grin back at the fools, his friends ...
/.../marson/hugh bishop of lincoln/chapter ix under king john.htm

Proofs from the Apostolic Writings, that Jesus Christ was one and ...
... certainly do with their tongue confess one Jesus Christ, make fools of themselves ...
disciple, in his Epistle already mentioned, commands us to avoid them, when he ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter xvi proofs from the apostolic.htm

The World Our Enemy.
... the wise men of the world, in God's eyes, were but fools, for they ... yield to its
principles, yet they speak strongly against men of the world, and avoid them. ...
/.../newman/parochial and plain sermons vol vii/sermon iii the world our.htm

A Common Mistake and Lame Excuse
... that there is plenty of time to avoid them and to ... up as a screen between them and
God, between them and what ... that, having it, they should be such fools as to ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture a/a common mistake and lame.htm

The Care of the Soul Urged as the one Thing Needful
... they who neglect God and their own souls, are spoken of as fools, as if ... mind, but
with all your artifice and all your resolution can you entirely avoid them? ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/the care of the soul.htm

On the Last Judgment and the Resurrection, Hell, Purgatory, and ...
... contrition for them, and resolving to avoid them for the ... in the next world, He rewards
them chiefly in ... these saints were sometimes considered fools and treated ...
/.../kinkead/baltimore catechism no 4/lesson 37 on the last.htm

On Doing Good to the Body of Our Neighbor.
... Fools, again, who avoid the exercise of ... is a danger lest, in using the words of the
learned, we harden the souls of the unlearned by leading them away from ...
/.../chapter 27 name doing good.htm

Jesus, Pilate and Herod.
... Then Herod laughed and said, "Now that proves indeed that he is a king of fools.". ...
He has already suffered by his follies and will avoid them in the future. ...
/...// of the jews/chapter vii jesus pilate and.htm

A Digression Upon the Imperfection of the virtues of the Pagans.
... and kill the just in order to avoid the shame and ... or monstrous, we cast them off,
and abandon them." So that ... themselves to be wise they became fools, and their ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter x a digression upon.htm



Fools: All Men Are, Without the Knowledge of God

Fools: Are: A Grief to Parents

Fools: Are: Angry

Fools: Are: Contentious

Fools: Are: Corrupt and Abominable

Fools: Are: Full of Words

Fools: Are: Given to Meddling

Fools: Are: Liars

Fools: Are: Mere Professors of Religion

Fools: Are: Self-Confident

Fools: Are: Self-Deceivers

Fools: Are: Self-Sufficient

Fools: Are: Slanderers

Fools: Are: Slothful

Fools: Avoid Them

Fools: Blaspheme God

Fools: Cling to Their Folly

Fools: Come to Shame

Fools: Delight not in Understanding

Fools: Deny God

Fools: Depend Upon Their Wealth

Fools: Despise Instruction

Fools: Destroy Themselves by Their Speech

Fools: Exhorted to Seek Wisdom

Fools: God Has No Pleasure In

Fools: Hate Knowledge

Fools: Hate to Depart from Evil

Fools: Hear the Gospel and Obey It Not

Fools: Honor is Unbecoming For

Fools: Israel

Fools: Lips of, a Snare to the Soul

Fools: Make a Mock at Sin

Fools: Pharisees

Fools: Punishment of

Fools: Rehoboam

Fools: Reproach God

Fools: Shall not Stand in the Presence of God

Fools: Sport Themselves in Mischief

Fools: The Company of, Ruinous

Fools: The Mouth of, Pours out Folly

Fools: Trust to Their own Hearts

Fools: Walk in Darkness

Fools: Worship Idols

Fools: Worship of, Hateful to God

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