Flowers: The Rose of Sharon
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Songs 2:1
I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


What the Flowers Say.
... I told you that there is such a thing as the language of flowers, that is ... that reason,
I think, that He is called in the Bible a Rose,"the Rose of Sharon. ...
/.../the life of duty a years plain sermons v 2/sermon lxi what the flowers.htm

The Best of the Best
... He is a flower; ay, but he is a rose, that is the queen of flowers; ay, but
then he is the best rose there is, he is the rose of Sharon. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 42 1896/the best of the best.htm

The Preaching of Nature.
... And once more, the flowers teach us to be a comfort to our neighbours. ... May Jesus,
the Rose of Sharon, teach us to learn the lesson of the lilies, and to ...
/.../the life of duty a years plain sermons v 2/sermon l the preaching of.htm

Chapter ii.
... 1. I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily ... 5. Stay me with flagons, comfort me with
apples; for I am sick of love.5. Stay me with flowers, strew me with apples ...
// of songs of solomon/chapter ii.htm

On Fruit Bearing.
... Like as the gentle south wind blows upon the flowers of the garden and scatters
the fragrance ... In the garden of the Lord blooms the rose of Sharon and the lily ...
/.../orr/food for the lambs or helps for young christians/on fruit bearing.htm

Paradise on Earth.
... lilies all around appear, And each his glory shows; The rose of Sharon blossoms
here ... the skies My hasty feet would go, There everlasting flowers arise, And ...
/.../watts/hymns and spiritual songs/hymn 2 59 paradise on earth.htm

Paradise on Earth.
... And each his glory shows: The Rose of Sharon blossoms here,. The fairest flower
that blows. ... My hasty feet would go,. There everlasting flowers arise,. ...
/.../watts/the psalms and hymns of isaac watts/hymn 59 paradise on earth.htm

The Unsatisfied Life and Its Remedy
... My beloved is unto me as a cluster of henna-flowers. In the vineyards of
En-gedi. ... And our rafters are firs. I am (but) a rose of Sharon,. ...
/.../taylor/union and communion/section i the unsatisfied life.htm

The Creation
... He divided the sea and the earth, he decked the earth with flowers, the trees with
fruit; but what ... What beauty then is there in Christ, the Rose of Sharon! ...
// body of divinity/13 the creation.htm

Spiritual Appetite
... Ye bees that wander over fairest flowers, your choicest gatherings can never ... scattering
such perfume of joy, and that is the "Rose of Sharon," that famous ...
// on proverbs/spiritual appetite.htm



Flowers of the Grass

Flowers: Appear in Spring

Flowers: Beautiful

Flowers: Cultivated in Gardens

Flowers: Evanescent

Flowers: Garlands of, Used in Worship of Idols

Flowers: Glory of Man

Flowers: Kingdom of Israel

Flowers: Representations of, on The: Golden Candlestick

Flowers: Representations of, on The: Sea of Brass

Flowers: Representations of, on The: Wood Work of the Temple

Flowers: Rich Men

Flowers: Shortness of Man's Life

Flowers: Sweet

Flowers: The Graces of Christ

Flowers: The Lily

Flowers: The Lily of the Valley

Flowers: The Rose

Flowers: The Rose of Sharon

Flowers: Wild in Fields

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