Flowers: The Lily of the Valley
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Songs 2:1
I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


On Earthly Things
... The flowers are Christk the ideal of righteousness; in the psalm: he is just that
the ... in Solomon: I am the blossom of the field and the lily of the valley. ...
/.../eucherius/the formulae of st eucherius of lyons/iii on earthly things.htm

On Fruit Bearing.
... Like as the gentle south wind blows upon the flowers of the garden and scatters ... the
garden of the Lord blooms the rose of Sharon and the lily-of-the-valley. ...
/.../orr/food for the lambs or helps for young christians/on fruit bearing.htm

The Unsatisfied Life and Its Remedy
... My beloved is unto me as a cluster of henna-flowers. ... am but a wild flower, a lowly,
scentless rose of Sharon (ie the autumn crocus), or a lily of the valley. ...
/.../taylor/union and communion/section i the unsatisfied life.htm

Coming to Christ
... Or, like the gardener who, having put into the ground his seeds and planted his
flowers, is not satisfied with them, and ... This Lily of the Valley"come and ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 62 1916/coming to christ.htm

A Song among the Lilies
... The lily of the valley and the rose of Sharon! ... He said "As the lily among thorns,
so is my love ... stalk, standing up erect from the earth, its flowers as high ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 20 1874/a song among the lilies.htm

The Form and Spirit of Religion
... is attended to, who think that holly on Christmas is a most heavenly thing, and
a few flowers upon the altar almost equal to the Lily of the Valley and the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/the form and spirit of.htm

The Best of the Best
... but there were some particularly beautiful roses that grew in the valley of Sharon ...
"I am the lily of the ... but he is a rose, that is the queen of flowers; ay, but ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 42 1896/the best of the best.htm

The Wicked Man's Life, Funeral, and Epitaph
... is the flaunting poppy, and there by the hedge-rows are many flowers that lift ... the
place where he sleeps; let no cowslip and no lily of the valley deck the ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/the wicked mans life funeral.htm

Meditations of the Blessed State of the Regenerate Man after Death ...
... The bodies of our elect brethren appear more glorious than the lily-flowers on the ...
iv.17), over the valley of Jehoshaphat, by Mount Olivet, near to Jerusalem ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/3 meditations of the blessed.htm

Song of Songs of Solomon
... 2. As the lily among thorns, so is my love among ... The flowers have appeared on the
earth; the pruning time is ... of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to ...
// of songs of solomon/



Flowers of the Grass

Flowers: Appear in Spring

Flowers: Beautiful

Flowers: Cultivated in Gardens

Flowers: Evanescent

Flowers: Garlands of, Used in Worship of Idols

Flowers: Glory of Man

Flowers: Kingdom of Israel

Flowers: Representations of, on The: Golden Candlestick

Flowers: Representations of, on The: Sea of Brass

Flowers: Representations of, on The: Wood Work of the Temple

Flowers: Rich Men

Flowers: Shortness of Man's Life

Flowers: Sweet

Flowers: The Graces of Christ

Flowers: The Lily

Flowers: The Lily of the Valley

Flowers: The Rose

Flowers: The Rose of Sharon

Flowers: Wild in Fields

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