Fishes: Created by God
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 1:20,21
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Exodus 20:11
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: why the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Why God Has Blessed Men, Fishes, Flying Creatures, and not Herbs ...
... I might say, O our God, that Thou, who hast created us after ... gift of blessing especially
upon man, hadst Thou not in like manner blessed the fishes and the ...
/.../the confessions and letters of st/chapter xxiv why god has blessed.htm

Shall God's Nature be Mutable, Sinful, Impious, Even Eternally ...
... whence Eve was made, or the waters whence the fishes and the fowls were created,
or the ... But further, if you think, which may God forbid, that the divine ...
/.../augustine/anti-pelagian writings/chapter 6 shall gods nature be.htm

John Chapter vi. 14-Jan
... and altogether divine, which could be performed only by God: we have ... but what He
had added thereto, who had created that which was ... "And of the fishes as much ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate xxiv john chapter vi.htm

The Sovereignty of God in Creation
... distant period before the heavens and the earth were created. ... With whom took God
counsel in the creation and ... beasts as they roam the earth, the fishes as they ...
/.../pink/the sovereignty of god/chapter two the sovereignty of.htm

On Creation
... communication of God ad extra; because, God would neither ... the rude chaos and undigested
mass created at the ... creeping and flying things, and fishes " from the ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 2/disputation xxiv on creation.htm

That all Things were Created for Some Use, Even those Things which ...
... it must be that the same providence created man and ... especially to Cicero, who says:
"Why should God, when He ... given to man that he might take fishes on account ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap iv that all things were.htm

Whether Irrational Creatures Also Ought to be Loved Out of Charity ...
... Now faith extends to irrational creatures, since we believe that heaven and earth
were created by God, that the fishes and birds were brought forth out of the ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether irrational creatures also ought.htm

On the Words of the Gospel, John vi. 9, Where the Miracle of the ...
... The two fishes are either the two precepts of the love of God and our ... his servant,
create him he cannot; but the Lord hath both created and redeemed ...
/.../sermons on selected lessons of the new testament/sermon lxxx on the words.htm

The Confessions and Letters of St
... Ignorant as to This, and Ask for Miracles, Which are Signified Under the Names Of
"Fishes" And "Whales ... Chapter XXXIII.--The World Was Created by God Out of ...
// confessions and letters of st/

Are not Praises the Very End for which the World was Created? do ...
... not praises the very end for which the world was created? ... than all the fowls and
beasts and fishes in the ... without creatures that can rejoice in God, and enjoy ...
/.../traherne/centuries of meditations/82 are not praises the.htm



Fishes of Men Ignorant of Future Events

Fishes of the Visible Church

Fishes of the Whole Population of Egypt

Fishes of Those Ensnared by the Wicked

Fishes used As Food by the Egyptians

Fishes used As Food by the Jews

Fishes: (Bad) of Mere Professors

Fishes: (Good) of Saints

Fishes: Cannot Live Without Water

Fishes: Catching of, a Trade

Fishes: Created by God

Fishes: Different in Flesh from Beasts

Fishes: Distinction Between Clean and Unclean

Fishes: Inhabit: Ponds

Fishes: Inhabit: Rivers

Fishes: Inhabit: Seas

Fishes: Leviathan

Fishes: Made for God's Glory

Fishes: Man Given Dominion Over

Fishes: Man Permitted to Eat

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Dressed on the Shore

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Immense Draughts of

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Multiplying a Few

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Procuring Tribute Money From

Fishes: Mode of Cooking Alluded To

Fishes: No Likeness of, to be Made for Worship

Fishes: Number and Variety of

Fishes: Sold Near the Fish Gate at Jerusalem

Fishes: Solomon Wrote the History of

Fishes: Taken With: Hooks

Fishes: Taken With: Nets

Fishes: Taken With: Often Suffered for Man's Sin

Fishes: Taken With: Spears

Fishes: The People of Tyre Traded In

Fishes: Whale

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