Fishes: (Good) of Saints
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Matthew 13:48,49
Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Good Count of the East
... the children of God, and his lot among the saints!'. ... He was universally known as
The Good Count of the East ... At the top the three fishes in circle, which typified ...
/.../chapter lxxiii the good count.htm

The Draw-Net.
... the good within the communion of saints, or to ... It makes absolutely no distinction
between good and bad ... line: twelve inches beyond that line fishes good and bad ...
// parables of our lord/vii the draw-net.htm

John Chapter xx. 30-31, and xxi. 1-11.
... schisms in that supreme peace of the saints, the evangelist ... broken, and a commendation
of the good that was ... There the multitude of fishes caught was so great ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate cxxii john chapter xx.htm

God's Inheritance in the Saints
... not to the abundance of any creatural good, however exuberant ... belongs, and can only
belong to, 'the saints.' So, then ... of hell, a hell of heaven.' Fishes die on ...
/.../gods inheritance in the saints.htm

On Earthly Things
... The same in a good part: the living waters flow from your ... The fish are the saints;
in the gospel: and they dragged a multitude of great fishes in their net ...
/.../eucherius/the formulae of st eucherius of lyons/iii on earthly things.htm

The Providence of God
... French king, God by his providence sent a great number of small fishes to feed ... is
not joyous, but grievous; but the Lord turns it to the good of his saints. ...
// body of divinity/14 the providence of god.htm

The Sufferings of Christ, and the New Covenant, were Announced by ...
... thee in the midst of the assembly of the saints." [1523] We ... are they whom He has
led into the good land ... Let them increase, and rule over the fishes." [1525] Who ...
/.../barnabas/the epistle of barnabas /chapter vi the sufferings of christ.htm

Ephesians i. 15-20
... Thus with good reason does he say, [204]. ... be adequate to express that glory of which
the saints shall then ... is of the earth, more mute than the fishes, and made ...
/.../homily iii ephesians i 15-20.htm

Letter xvii. --Remorse and Rebellion.
... come from the devil who only fishes in troubled ... The saints themselves have passed
through these alternations, and ... present method of prayer is good; continue to ...
/.../abandonment to divine providence/letter xvii remorse and rebellion.htm

Psalm CL.
... For ye, saith he, are "His saints;" ye are "His ... praying His exceeding kindness, that
of His good pleasure He ... adds: "For in the number of the fishes too which ...
/...// on the book of psalms/psalm cl.htm



Fishes of Men Ignorant of Future Events

Fishes of the Visible Church

Fishes of the Whole Population of Egypt

Fishes of Those Ensnared by the Wicked

Fishes used As Food by the Egyptians

Fishes used As Food by the Jews

Fishes: (Bad) of Mere Professors

Fishes: (Good) of Saints

Fishes: Cannot Live Without Water

Fishes: Catching of, a Trade

Fishes: Created by God

Fishes: Different in Flesh from Beasts

Fishes: Distinction Between Clean and Unclean

Fishes: Inhabit: Ponds

Fishes: Inhabit: Rivers

Fishes: Inhabit: Seas

Fishes: Leviathan

Fishes: Made for God's Glory

Fishes: Man Given Dominion Over

Fishes: Man Permitted to Eat

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Dressed on the Shore

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Immense Draughts of

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Multiplying a Few

Fishes: Miracles Connected With: Procuring Tribute Money From

Fishes: Mode of Cooking Alluded To

Fishes: No Likeness of, to be Made for Worship

Fishes: Number and Variety of

Fishes: Sold Near the Fish Gate at Jerusalem

Fishes: Solomon Wrote the History of

Fishes: Taken With: Hooks

Fishes: Taken With: Nets

Fishes: Taken With: Often Suffered for Man's Sin

Fishes: Taken With: Spears

Fishes: The People of Tyre Traded In

Fishes: Whale

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