Fatherless: God Will: Hear the Cry of
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Exodus 22:23
If you afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all to me, I will surely hear their cry;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


God's World
... are down; I know that he careth for the fatherless and widow ... him; and will also hear
their cry and will help them ... know, in short, that he is a living God, and a ...
/.../kingsley/discipline and other sermons/sermon x gods world.htm

Christian Sympathy
... I delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him ... and you would bow
yourselves before God and cry ... moment you hear it, you think, "I will give that ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 8 1863/christian sympathy.htm

David's Anger
... pity him or take compassion on his fatherless children"to ... at last, that they may
call on God to deliver ... from their tormentors, and that he will hear their cry ...
//christianbookshelf.org/kingsley/david/sermon iii davids anger.htm

The Great Change
... save us; we will not ride upon horses: neither will we say ... Ye are our gods: for in
thee the fatherless find mercy ... If you come to God to be saved, you must bring ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 42 1896/the great change.htm

How to Keep the Heart
... head, and her Maker is her husband; the fatherless children are ... concerning all things,
and rest in my Fathers will, then I ... So you see the peace of God is a soul ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/how to keep the heart.htm

Fast-Day Service
... this day the widow and the fatherless children; think ... the calamity be overpass, knowing
that God will not desert ... Yet Lord if Thou canst hear a groaning heart ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 3 1857/fast-day service.htm

Paul's Sermon Before Felix
... had been defrauded of inheritance, the fatherless children, who ... ever have these feelings
again, God will accept thee ... he says, "to-day, if ye will hear his voice ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/pauls sermon before felix.htm

Constant, Instant, Expectant
... prayers are of that kind: we are praying God to do ... You will never need to leave off
pleading for want ... in order to commence an institution for fatherless girls. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 25 1879/constant instant expectant.htm

The Ship on Fire --A Voice of Warning
... those little children who will be left fatherless: I tell ... answer, and while you are
yet speaking he will hear. Thank God that there were good officers on board ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 10 1864/the ship on firea voice.htm

Meditations against Despair, or Doubting of God's Mercy.
... that of right belong to any widow or fatherless child, presume ... to be merciful unto
thee, to hear the prayers ... from the bottom of his heart, God will blot forth ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/meditations against despair or doubting.htm



Fatherless: A Curse on Those Who Oppress

Fatherless: A Type of Zion in Affliction

Fatherless: Afflict Not

Fatherless: Blessedness of Taking Care of

Fatherless: Daughters of Zelophehad

Fatherless: Defend

Fatherless: Defraud Not

Fatherless: do No Violence To

Fatherless: Esther

Fatherless: Find Mercy in God

Fatherless: God Will: Be a Father of

Fatherless: God Will: Be a Helper of

Fatherless: God Will: Execute the Judgment of

Fatherless: God Will: Hear the Cry of

Fatherless: God Will: Punish Those Who Judge Not

Fatherless: God Will: Punish Those Who Oppress

Fatherless: Joash

Fatherless: Jotham

Fatherless: Let Them Share in Our Blessings

Fatherless: Lot

Fatherless: Mephibosheth

Fatherless: Oppress Not

Fatherless: Promises With Respect To

Fatherless: The Wicked: Judge not For

Fatherless: The Wicked: Murder

Fatherless: The Wicked: Oppress

Fatherless: The Wicked: Overwhelm

Fatherless: The Wicked: Rob

Fatherless: The Wicked: Vex

Fatherless: Visit in Affliction

Fatherless: Wrong Not, in Judgment


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