Birds: Given As Food to Man
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 9:2,3
And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, and on every fowl of the air, on all that moves on the earth, and on all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Whether the Body of Man was Given an Apt Disposition?
... man; thus dogs have a keener smell, and birds a swifter ... First, because the senses
are given to man, not only for ... of the senses only as ordered to food and sex ...
// theologica/whether the body of man.htm

Whether Adam in the State of Innocence had Mastership Over the ...
... falcon. Nor does Bede's gloss on Gn.1:30, say that trees and herbs were
given as food to all animals and birds, but to some. Thus ...
/.../ theologica/whether adam in the state 2.htm

Of the Condition of the Beasts and Man.
... taking food; and since it has not been given to them ... their own bodies, they convey
to them food, and spend ... Why should I say that the offspring of birds is much ...
/.../lactantius/on the workmanship of god/chap iii of the condition of.htm

The Rule Given About not Seeking One's Own Gain is Established...
... They feed their young with what they get, and the birds satisfy their brood with
food; but to men alone has it been given to feed all as though they ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter iii the rule given.htm

Of the Outer Limbs of Man, and their Use.
... these things relate to man alone, or to birds, in which ... the dumb animals, that it
collects the food when bruised ... thinks that the name of tongue was given to it ...
/.../lactantius/on the workmanship of god/chap x of the outer limbs.htm

Of the Intestines in Man, and their Use.
... to the soul, in truth, He has given another abode. ... has sent forth from itself the
food softened, it ... skilful arrangement, that the bladder, which birds do not ...
/.../lactantius/on the workmanship of god/chap xi of the intestines in.htm

Chapter xv.
... man has a higher rank in the nature of things than irrational ones, such as birds. ...
was to be given for the clothing too, just as one is given for the food. ...
/.../ lords sermon on the mount/chapter xv 2.htm

No Man Can Serve Two Masters; and that Because it is Necessary ...
... Is not the life better than the food, and the body [3] than the ... [756] Consider the
birds of the ... and ye shall be released: give, that ye may be given unto; with ...
/...// diatessaron of tatian/section x no man can.htm

Thankfulness to God.
... We have dominion over the birds in the air, we have ... the net and bring them in for
our food; we hunt ... He has brought you into the world, and has given you power ...
/.../the village pulpit volume ii trinity to advent/lxiii thankfulness to god.htm

The Struggle for Life
... is how birds live, and this is how birds are made. ... the enormous place this factor
has been given to play ... when the immediate quest succeeds, and the food of Man ...
/.../the lowell lectures on the ascent of man/chapter vi the struggle for.htm



Birds are Hostile to Strange Kinds

Birds of Abomination

Birds of Cruel and Rapacious Kings

Birds of Hostile Nations

Birds of People of Different Countries

Birds of Prey

Birds of the Devil and his Spirits

Birds of Unsettled Person

Birds: (Snaring) Death

Birds: (Snaring) Designs of the Wicked

Birds: Appointed for Food

Birds: Cages of

Birds: Called: Birds of the Air

Birds: Called: Feathered Fowl

Birds: Called: Fowls of Heaven

Birds: Called: Fowls of the Air

Birds: Called: Winged Fowl

Birds: Can all be Tamed

Birds: Clean: Cock and Hen

Birds: Clean: Crane

Birds: Clean: Dove

Birds: Clean: Offered in Sacrifice

Birds: Clean: Partridge

Birds: Clean: Pigeon

Birds: Clean: Quail

Birds: Clean: Sparrow

Birds: Clean: Swallow

Birds: Clean: To be Eaten

Birds: Clean: Turtle

Birds: Confinement of, in Cages Alluded To

Birds: Created by God

Birds: Created for the Glory of God

Birds: Creation of, on the Fifth Creative Day

Birds: Differ in Flesh from Beasts and Fishes

Birds: Divine Care of

Birds: Domesticated

Birds: Early Distinguished Into Clean and Clean

Birds: Figurative

Birds: Fly Above the Earth

Birds: Furnished With Claws

Birds: Given As Food to Man

Birds: God Provides For

Birds: Habits of

Birds: Have Each Their Peculiar Note or Song

Birds: Herb of the Field Given As Food To

Birds: Inhabit: Deserted Cities

Birds: Inhabit: Deserts

Birds: Inhabit: Marshes

Birds: Inhabit: Mountains

Birds: Instinct of, Inferior to Man's Reason

Birds: Instinctively Fear Man

Birds: Instincts of

Birds: Lessons of Wisdom to be Learned From

Birds: Make Their Nests in Clefts of Rocks

Birds: Make Their Nests in Deserted Cities

Birds: Make Their Nests in Trees

Birds: Make Their Nests: On the Ground

Birds: Make Their Nests: Under the Roofs of Houses

Birds: Make, and Dwell in Nests

Birds: Man's Dominion Over

Birds: Many Kinds of, Carnivorous

Birds: Many Kinds of, Graniverous

Birds: Many Kinds of, Migratory

Birds: Migrate

Birds: Moses' Law Protected the Mother from Being Taken With the Young

Birds: Names Given To, by Adam

Birds: Nests of

Birds: No Likeness of, to be Made for Worship

Birds: Not to be Eaten With Their Young

Birds: Often Remove from Places Suffering Calamities

Birds: Often Suffered for Man's Sin

Birds: Often Worshipped by Idolaters

Birds: Power Over Given to Man

Birds: Propagated by Eggs

Birds: Rapid Flight of, Alluded To

Birds: Rest on Trees

Birds: Solomon Wrote the History of

Birds: Solomon's Proverbs of

Birds: Songs of, at the Break of Day

Birds: Symbolical

Birds: Taken in Snares or Nets

Birds: The Blood of, not to be Eaten

Birds: The Property of God

Birds: Unclean: Bat

Birds: Unclean: Bittern

Birds: Unclean: Cormorant

Birds: Unclean: Cuckoo

Birds: Unclean: Eagle

Birds: Unclean: Gier Eagle

Birds: Unclean: Glede

Birds: Unclean: Great Owl

Birds: Unclean: Hawk

Birds: Unclean: Heron

Birds: Unclean: Kite

Birds: Unclean: Lapwing

Birds: Unclean: Little Owl

Birds: Unclean: Nighthawk

Birds: Unclean: Not to be Eaten

Birds: Unclean: Osprey

Birds: Unclean: Ossifrage

Birds: Unclean: Ostrich

Birds: Unclean: Owl

Birds: Unclean: Peacock

Birds: Unclean: Pelican

Birds: Unclean: Raven

Birds: Unclean: Stork

Birds: Unclean: Swan

Birds: Unclean: Vulture

Birds: What Species Were Unclean

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