Arrows of Lightnings
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 77:17,18
The clouds poured out water: the skies sent out a sound: your arrows also went abroad.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Habakkuk 3:11
The sun and moon stood still in their habitation: at the light of your arrows they went, and at the shining of your glittering spear.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Passing Years
... It made him fear that the moral lesson would be lost in the intellectual excitement,
and that his arrows of lightnings had but played before the imagination ...
/.../chapter x passing years.htm

The Ark of the House of Obed-Edom
... Being, before whom we stand, holds in His right hand blessings beyond count or price,
even the gift of Himself, and in His left His lightnings and His arrows. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the ark of the house.htm

Psalm 18
... hailstones and coals of fire. ^14Yea, he his arrows sent abroad,. and them he scattered;
His lightnings also he shot out,. and them discomfited. ...
/...// psalter and paraphrases/psalm 18.htm

David's Strength
... and coals of fire. He sent out his arrows, and scattered them: he cast forth
lightnings, and destroyed them. The springs of waters ...
// ii davids strength.htm

Psalm CXLIV.
... "Flash forth Thy lightnings, and Thou shalt scatter them." Abound with Thy miracles,
and their conspiracy shall be broken...."Send forth Thine arrows, and Thou ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm cxliv.htm

How the Above-Mentioned Ceadda was Made Bishop of the Province of ...
... Yea, he sent out his arrows and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings, and
discomfited them.' For the Lord moves the air, raises the winds, hurls lightning ...
/.../bedes ecclesiastical history of england/chap iii how the above-mentioned.htm

Psalm 77
... thine arrows fierce did fly. ^18Thy thunder's voice alongst the heav'n. a mighty
noise did make; By lightnings lighten'd was the world,. ...
/...// psalter and paraphrases/psalm 77.htm

Thanksgiving for Deliverance from the Cholera.
... Clouds and darkness girt His path. Thence abroad His arrows flew,. ... Fervent prayer
had power with God,. Caught the lightnings on its rod,. ...
/.../montgomery/sacred poems and hymns/hymn ccxci thanksgiving for deliverance.htm

The First Christmas Carol
... letters? Do not the lightnings adore him when they flash his brightness
in arrows of light piercing the midnight darkness? Do not ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/the first christmas carol.htm

... any longer wonder at the troubling of the abysses, when "Thine arrows have gone ... I
will hear what thou sayest: "Thy lightnings have appeared to the round world ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm lxxvii.htm



Arrows of Bitter Words

Arrows of Christ

Arrows of Devices of the Wicked

Arrows of False Witnesses

Arrows of God's Judgment

Arrows of Lightnings

Arrows of Severe Afflictions

Arrows of Slanderous Tongues

Arrows of the Word of Christ

Arrows of Young Children

Arrows: (Broken), of Destruction of Power

Arrows: (Falling from the Hand), of the Paralysing Power

Arrows: Bright and Polished

Arrows: Called Shafts

Arrows: Carried in a Quiver

Arrows: Deadly and Destructive Weapons

Arrows: Discharged with Great Force

Arrows: Discharged: Against Enemies

Arrows: Discharged: At a Mark for Amusement

Arrows: Discharged: At the Beasts of the Earth

Arrows: Discharged: from a Bow

Arrows: Discharged: from Engines

Arrows: Fleetness of, Alluded To

Arrows: Sharp

Arrows: Sometimes Poisoned

Arrows: The Ancients Divined By

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