Altars of Noah
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 8:20
And Noah built an altar to the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Christ Our High Priest.
... Each has had its priests, its altars and its sacrifices peculiar to itself. ... So Noah
was high priest of all the post-diluvian world during his life. ...
/.../xi christ our high priest.htm

Epistle Lxxv. To Magnus, on Baptizing the Novatians, and those who ...
... certainly is it necessary that rebels and enemies, who forge false altars, and lawless ...
in the Church can be baptized; and said, "In the ark of Noah, few, that ...
/.../cyprian/the epistles of cyprian/epistle lxxv to magnus on.htm

Book iii. --Of the Harmony of the Fathers of the Old and New ...
... 30 Faultless, and just"God witnessing [1470] the fact". In an adulterous people,
Noah (he. ... 90 Altars and temples levelled; and with mind. ...
/.../fathers of the third century tertullian appendix/book iii of the harmony of.htm

Chapter viii
... do not know whether altars originated now or in Adam's time. Mizbéach strictly means
"the place of slaughter." This altar is raised to Yahweh, because Noah is ...
/...// of genesis volume 1/chapter viii.htm

Upon the Character of Balaam. Preached the Second Sunday after ...
... word in his mouth; {16} upon receiving which, he returns back to the altars, where
was ... When the elders of Noah came to him, though he appears to have been much ...
// nature/sermon vii upon the character.htm

Introductory Notice to the Early Liturgies.
... Previously the faithful everywhere had imitated the sacrifices of their fathers,
Noah and Abraham, who reared their altars everywhere, as Job also did ...
/.../various/early liturgies/introductory notice to the early.htm

The Unity of Revelation. 1 "Known unto God are all his Works from ...
... of the firstlings of his flock, and of the fat thereof," the altars of the ... The work
assigned to Noah was not that of Abraham; nor was Abraham's work that of ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxxvi the unity of.htm

Manner of Covenanting.
... is before spoken of as having been established, and though Noah, on the ... and again
and again, did Balak at Balaam's suggestion build seven altars, and offer a ...
/.../cunningham/the ordinance of covenanting/chapter ii manner of covenanting.htm

How the Bishop is to Treat the Innocent, the Guilty, and the ...
... For neither was punishment inflicted on Noah for the world, nor was Lot destroyed
by fire ... And he made altars in the house of the Lord, of which the Lord spake ...
/.../various/constitutions of the holy apostles/sec iii how the bishop is.htm

Covenanting According to the Purposes of God.
... "God said unto Noah, This is ... how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying,
Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars: and I ...
/.../the ordinance of covenanting/chapter viii covenanting according to.htm



Altars for Burnt-Offering

Altars for Idolatrous Worship, often Erected on Roofs of Houses

Altars for Idolatrous Worship, to be Destroyed

Altars for Incense

Altars of Abraham

Altars of Ahaz

Altars of Balaam

Altars of Brick, Hateful to God

Altars of David

Altars of Gideon

Altars of Isaac

Altars of Jacob

Altars of Jeroboam at Bethel

Altars of Joshua

Altars of Moses

Altars of Noah

Altars of Reubenites East of Jordan

Altars of Samuel

Altars of the Athenians

Altars of the People of Israel

Altars of the Second Temple

Altars of the Temple of Solomon

Altars were not to Have Steps up to Them

Altars: Afforded No Protection to Murderers

Altars: Designed for Sacrifice

Altars: Idolaters Planted Groves Near

Altars: Natural Rocks Sometimes Used As

Altars: Probable Origin of Inscriptions On

Altars: Protection Afforded By

Altars: The Jews not to Plant Groves Near

Altars: To be Made of Earth, or Unhewn Stone

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