Afflicted Saints: should be Resigned
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Samuel 3:18
And Samuel told him every whit, and hid nothing from him. And he said, It is the LORD: let him do what seems him good.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Kings 20:19
Then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which you have spoken. And he said, Is it not good, if peace and truth be in my days?
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Job 1:21
And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 39:9
I was dumb, I opened not my mouth; because you did it.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Spiritual Desolation.
... we remain here on earth; hence the saints have yearned ... you sing when you are so terribly
afflicted and your ... and to love him more; still we should be resigned ...
/.../de liguori/uniformity with gods will/6 spiritual desolation.htm

The Third Season
... it be imagined that the most wise God should do so? ... when "we are left a poor and
an afflicted people, then ... the Lord." It is indeed for the saints' advantage to ...
// keeping the heart/iii the third season.htm

On the Feast of Martyrs
... and humble heart; while they are much afflicted by seeing ... Nothing in this world should
be so dear to thee ... thee, as thine example, all the dear Saints who have ...
// inner way/sermon xxx on the feast.htm

Thy Rod and Thy Staff they Comfort Me.
... it frequently happens, that those are most afflicted who are ... But the saints, and
all the truly wise, have ... its hidden secrets, lest any of us should suffer in ...
/...// shepherd of my soul/viii thy rod and thy.htm

Letter i. --Temptation to Despair.
... as it really is, far from being afflicted about it ... This is all the use that the saints
made of ... that if God judged us rigorously we should deserve chastisements ...
/.../de caussade/abandonment to divine providence/letter i temptation to despair.htm

The Second Book
... the evil prevail while the good are afflicted; and whereas ... to listen to the prayers
of his saints, always attentive. How happy should we all be if we ourselves ...
// the government of god/the second book.htm

Pious Parents, under Such a Dispensation, May Conclude it is Well ...
... great Promise, to which all the Saints under the ... are my narrow Conceptions, that
they should pretend to ... Shunamite in the Text, bring our afflicted Hearts to say ...
/.../ii pious parents under such.htm

The Little Flower Enters the Carmel
... soon lavish upon me before all the Saints, and this ... rejoiced for the days wherein
Thou hast afflicted us."[7 ... myself how, in days to come, I should more clearly ...
/.../martin/the story of a soul/chapter vii the little flower.htm

the Little Flower Enters the Carmel
... will soon lavish upon me before all the Saints, and this ... rejoiced for the days wherein
Thou hast afflicted us." [70 ... how, in days to come, I should more clearly ...
// of a soul/chapter vii - the little.htm

Our Watchword
... of God, he was "smitten of God and afflicted," as if ... the text, this saying should
be universal among the saints. It should be the mark of all those that love ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/our watchword.htm



Afflicted Saints: Christ Comforts

Afflicted Saints: Christ Delivers

Afflicted Saints: Christ is With

Afflicted Saints: Christ Preserves

Afflicted Saints: Christ Supports

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Apostles

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: David

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Eli

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Job

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Joseph

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Moses

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Nehemiah

Afflicted Saints: Examples of Afflicted Saints: Paul

Afflicted Saints: God Comforts

Afflicted Saints: God Delivers

Afflicted Saints: God is a Refuge and Strength To

Afflicted Saints: God is With

Afflicted Saints: God Preserves

Afflicted Saints: should Acknowledge the Justice of Their Chastisements

Afflicted Saints: should Avoid Sin

Afflicted Saints: should be Frequent in Prayer

Afflicted Saints: should be Patient

Afflicted Saints: should be Resigned

Afflicted Saints: should Imitate Christ

Afflicted Saints: should Imitate the Prophets

Afflicted Saints: should Keep the Pious Resolutions Made During Afflictions

Afflicted Saints: should not Despise Chastening

Afflicted Saints: should Praise God

Afflicted Saints: should Take Encouragement from Former Mercies

Afflicted Saints: should Trust in the Goodness of God

Afflicted Saints: should Turn and Devote Themselves to God

Afflicted: Duty to The

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Bear Them in Mind

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Comfort Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Pity Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Pray for Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Protect Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Relieve Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Sympathise With Them

Duty Toward The Afflicted: To Visit Them

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