7632 Twelve, diverse characters of
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The Twelve were men of varied background, gifts and character.

The varied backgrounds of the Twelve

Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen:

Matthew 4:18,21 Matthew 9:9 Matthew was a tax collector; Matthew 10:4 Simon was a political activist.

The varied roles of the Twelve

Some took a prominent role in the group

Galatians 2:9

Some played minor but significant roles

See also John 1:40-42 Andrew brought Peter to Jesus Christ; John 1:45-46 Philip brought Nathanael; John 12:20-22 Philip and Andrew brought the Greeks to Jesus Christ.

The varied temperaments of the Twelve

Matthew 14:28 Peter was impetuous; Luke 9:54 James and John were fiery; Luke 22:4 Judas Iscariot was a traitorous loner; John 20:25 Thomas was cautious.

The Twelve had a common call to discipleship and witness

Acts 1:21-22

The fallibility of the Twelve

Mark 8:31-33 Peter misunderstood; Mark 16:14 Jesus Christ rebuked the Eleven for not believing reports of his resurrection; Luke 9:12-13 Jesus Christ tested their reaction to human need; John 14:8-9 Philip asked the way to the Father.

Jesus Christ gave the Twelve special teaching

Mark 4:10-11 about his parables; Mark 9:35 about power and position; Luke 18:31 about his destiny

Jesus Christ spent his last days and hours with the Twelve

Mark 11:11 after the triumphal entry into Jerusalem; Mark 14:17 at the Last Supper

The Twelve failed Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ's concern that they would leave him

John 6:67-70

Judas betrayed him

Matthew 26:14-16 pp Mark 14:10 pp Luke 22:3-4

They failed to support him in his final agony of prayer

Matthew 26:40-41 pp Mark 14:37-38 pp Luke 22:45-46

Peter disowned Jesus Christ

Matthew 26:74-75 pp Mark 14:71-72 pp Luke 22:60-61

All abandoned Jesus Christ

Matthew 26:56 the exception was “the disciple whom Jesus loved”, present at the crucifixion (Jn 19:25-27)

See also

2363  Christ, preaching & teaching
2585  Christ, trial
2590  Christ, triumphal entry
5107  Paul
5112  Peter
8114  discipleship

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