Dictionary of Bible Themes
Dictionary of Bible Themes » 7000 God's people » 7300 Institutions and culture of OT » 7466 temples » 7469 temple, Herod's
Herod's temple, familiar to Jesus Christ and his disciples and frequented by the first Christians, was destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70.
The building of Herod the Great's temple
John 2:20
Jesus Christ visited the temple and taught in its courts
He was taken there as a baby
Luke 2:22,34,36-38
He stayed in the temple courts after his parents had returned home from the Passover Feast
Luke 2:41-43,46
He cast out of the temple court those who used it for material profit
Matthew 21:12-13 pp
Mark 11:15-17 pp
Luke 19:45-46;
John 2:14-16
He taught in the temple
Mark 12:35,41-43 pp
Luke 21:1-4;
John 7:14
The temple guards ignored instructions to arrest him because they were impressed by his teaching:
John 7:32,45-46
John 8:2-3; John 10:22-24
The religious leaders challenged his authority
Matthew 21:23 pp
Mark 11:27-28 pp
Luke 20:1-2
He foretold the complete destruction of the temple buildings
Matthew 24:1-2 pp
Mark 13:1-2 pp
Luke 21:5-6
The crucifixion and the temple
One of the charges against Jesus Christ was that he had said he would destroy the temple
Matthew 26:60-61
The curtain of the temple was torn in two at Jesus Christ's death
Matthew 27:51
The curtain symbolised the barrier between God and his people caused by their sins.
Believers in Jerusalem met in the temple courtyards
See also
Acts 2:46; Acts 5:12
Solomon's Colonnade was on the east side of the temple courtyard.
Apostles taught and healed in the temple courtyards
Acts 3:1-26; Acts 5:19-26
Stephen was stoned for allegedly speaking against the temple
Acts 6:12-14
Acts 7:48-49
Paul was accused of taking Gentiles into temple courtyards forbidden to them
See also
Acts 21:27-28
See also
2012 Christ, authority
2363 Christ, preaching & teaching
2366 Christ, prophecies concerning
2520 Christ, childhood
2530 Christ, death of
2585 Christ, trial
5271 courtyard
5281 crucifixion
7344 curtain
7406 Passover