7355 feasts and festivals, nature of
Dictionary of Bible Themes

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Israel's feasts and festivals were to be times of religious and community celebration. Ordained by God, they were to be the outward expression of a right spirital attitude.

Feasts and festivals were appointed by God

Exodus 5:1 See also Exodus 10:9; Hosea 9:5

Israel's three annual festivals

The three pilgrim festivals

Exodus 23:14-19; 2 Chronicles 8:12-13

The Feast of Unleavened Bread/Passover:

Exodus 12:14; Numbers 28:17

The Feast of Weeks/Harvest:

Leviticus 23:15-21; Numbers 28:26

The Feast of Tabernacles/Ingathering:

Leviticus 23:39-41; Numbers 29:12; Judges 21:19; 1 Kings 8:65 pp 2 Chronicles 7:8

They were a joyful response to God's blessings

Zechariah 8:19 Contrasting with fasts. See also Nahum 1:15

They were celebrated with sacrifices and offerings

Numbers 29:39; Ezekiel 46:11

Israel's other festivals

New Moon festivals:

Numbers 10:10; 1 Samuel 20:18; 1 Chronicles 23:31; Hosea 2:11

Unlawful festivals:

Exodus 32:5; 1 Kings 12:32-33

Festivals should be the outward expression of a right spiritual attitude

Isaiah 1:14; Isaiah 29:1; Hosea 5:7; Malachi 2:3; 1 Corinthians 5:8

OT festivals find their fulfilment in Jesus Christ

Colossians 2:16-17

See also

4951  month
4975  week
5312  feasting
5338  holiday
7406  Passover
7435  sacrifice, in OT
8142  religion
8283  joy
8642  celebration
8768  idolatry

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