The period between youth and old age. Middle age is marked by physical strength and experience and should bring maturity and stability. Many of God's servants began ministry in middle age, often after having been prepared in their youth. Middle age may also bring complacency and the temptation to leave the devotion and commitments of youth.
Leviticus 27:3-7Strength is greatest between 20 and 60.See alsoNumbers 1:45Men served in the army from age 20; Joshua 14:10Caleb, in his prime at 40, is still strong at 85.
Numbers 8:24The period from 25 to 30 (see Nu 4:3) may have been a period of apprenticeship.See also1 Chronicles 23:27In later years the apprenticeship may have started at 20; Numbers 11:28
The start of service in middle age
Numbers 4:3See alsoActs 7:23Moses showed concern for his fellow Israelites at age 40; Joshua 14:7Caleb was 40 when he explored Canaan; 1 Samuel 7:3-4Samuel became judge over Israel in his thirties; Luke 3:3John the Baptist began his public ministry at about 30; John 8:57Jesus Christ had not achieved the status of wisdom and authority associated with old age in Israel; 1 Timothy 3:1-13The mention of families in the instructions to elders and deacons suggests that these leaders were of middle age.