Dictionary of Bible Themes Dictionary of Bible Themes » 1000 God » 1010 God, nature and qualities of » 1015 God
The Creator and Redeemer of the world, who reveals himself in Scripture and in Jesus Christ, and who is loved, worshipped and adored by believers. Scripture stresses the personal nature of God, and also his total reliability and trustworthiness. God is the Father of Jesus Christ and of all believers.
This set of themes consists of the following:
1020 God, all-knowing
1025 God, anger of
1030 God, compassion of
1035 God, faithfulness of
1040 God, fatherhood of
1045 God, glory of
1050 God, goodness of
1055 God, grace and mercy of
1060 God, greatness of
1065 God, holiness of
1070 God, joy of
1075 God, justice of
1080 God, living and self-sustaining
1085 God, love of
1090 God, majesty of
1095 God, patience of
1100 God, perfection of
1105 God, power of
1110 God, present everywhere
1115 God, purpose of
1120 God, repentance of
1125 God, righteousness of
1130 God, sovereignty of
1135 God, suffering of
1140 God, the eternal
1145 God, transcendence of
1150 God, truth of
1155 God, truthfulness of
1160 God, unchangeableness of
1165 God, uniqueness of
1170 God, unity of
1175 God, will of
1180 God, wisdom of
1185 God, zeal of
1190 glory