4657. skubalon
Strong's Concordance
skubalon: refuse
Original Word: σκύβαλον, ου, τό
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: skubalon
Phonetic Spelling: (skoo'-bal-on)
Definition: refuse
Usage: refuse, dregs, dung.
HELPS Word-studies

4657 skýbalon (from 2965 /kýōn, "dog" and 906 /bállō, "throw") – properly, waste thrown to dogs, like filthy scraps of garbage (table-scraps, dung, muck, sweepings); (figuratively) refuse, what is good-for-nothing except to be discarded (used only in Phil 3:8).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
of uncertain origin
NASB Translation
rubbish (1).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 4657: σκύβαλον

σκύβαλον, σκυβαλου, τό (κυσιβαλον τί ὄν, τό τοῖς κυσί βαλλόμενον, Suidas (p. 3347 c.; to the same effect Etym. Magn., p. 719, 53 cf. 125, 44; others connect it with σκῶρ (cf. scoria, Latinstercus), others with a root meaning 'to shiver', 'shred'; Fick, Part i., p. 244)), any refuse, as the excrement of animals, offscouring, rubbish, dregs, etc.: (A. V. dung) i. e. worthless and detestable, Philippians 3:8. (Sir. 27:4; Philo; Josephus, b. j. 5, 13, 7; Plutarch; Strabo; often in the Anthol.) (See on the word, Lightfoot on Philippians, the passage cited; Gataker, Advers. Miscell. Posth., c. xliii, p. 868ff.)

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
garbage, dung.

Neuter of a presumed derivative of eis and kuon and ballo; what is thrown to the dogs, i.e. Refuse (ordure) -- dung.

see GREEK eis

see GREEK kuon

see GREEK ballo

Forms and Transliterations
σκυβαλα σκύβαλα skubala skybala skýbala
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts
Englishman's Concordance
Philippians 3:8 N-ANP
GRK: καὶ ἡγοῦμαι σκύβαλα ἵνα Χριστὸν
NAS: and count them but rubbish so
KJV: them [but] dung, that
INT: and esteem [them] rubbish that Christ

Strong's Greek 4657
1 Occurrence

σκύβαλα — 1 Occ.

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