411. anekdiégétos
Strong's Concordance
anekdiégétos: inexpressible
Original Word: ἀνεκδιήγητος, ον
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: anekdiégétos
Phonetic Spelling: (an-ek-dee-ay'-gay-tos)
Definition: inexpressible
Usage: indescribable, that cannot be thoroughly related, inexpressible.
HELPS Word-studies

411 anekdiḗgētos (from 1 /A "not" and 1555 /ekdiēgéomai, "fully declare") – properly, inexpressible (beyond words); indescribable (inexplicable), impossible to estimate (used only in 2 Cor 9:15).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from alpha (as a neg. prefix) and ekdiégeomai
NASB Translation
indescribable (1).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 411: ἀνεκδιήγητος

ἀνεκδιήγητος, ἀνεκδιηγητον (alpha privative and ἐκδιηγέομαι, which see), unspeakable, indescribable: 2 Corinthians 9:15 δωρεά, to describe and commemorate which words fail. (Only in ecclesiastical writings. (Clement of Rome, 1 Cor. 20, 5 [ET]; 49, 4 [ET]; Athenagoras, Theophilus of Antioch, others).)

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance

From a (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of ekdiegeomai; not expounded in full, i.e. Indescribable -- unspeakable.

see GREEK a

see GREEK ekdiegeomai

Forms and Transliterations
ανεκδιηγητω ανεκδιηγήτω ἀνεκδιηγήτῳ anekdiegeto anekdiēgētō anekdiegḗtoi anekdiēgḗtōi
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts
Englishman's Concordance
2 Corinthians 9:15 Adj-DFS
GRK: ἐπὶ τῇ ἀνεκδιηγήτῳ αὐτοῦ δωρεᾷ
NAS: be to God for His indescribable gift!
KJV: for his unspeakable gift.
INT: for the indescribable of him gift

Strong's Greek 411
1 Occurrence

ἀνεκδιηγήτῳ — 1 Occ.

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